Gladiolus Bead: slender flower with his own hands (photo and video)

Gladiolus Bead: slender flower with his own hands (photo and video)


Gladiolus from beads is beautifulinterior decoration. It plays the role of revitalizing and transforming any home, as well as creating home comfort. Thanks to such a flower, you can bring a large number of different colors into your own home.

Materials and tools

Gladiolus bead can do evena beginner needlewoman, which will spend a little time and effort of their own. To get started to be engaged in the preparation of the start of consumables, as well as some tools. We need to take medium-sized beads, beads of different colors, metal wire, wire cutters and thread green. To work also need glue and scissors. As an added decoration and give aesthetic appeal can take beautiful flowerpots, alabaster, and a variety of color and shape of decorative pebbles.

Master class on making beaded gladioli

To start beading take the following materials:

  • approximately 100 grams of beads pink shades;
  • about 40-50 grams of beads of green shades;
  • cutting beads or white;
  • copper wire with a diameter of not greater than 0.4 mm;
  • as the rod can be used Spitz;
  • thread floss best green;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors.

Gladiolus beads consist of severalbuds and flowers, which have already reveal its beauty. Below is a detailed master class, which will help to make the flowers with his own hands, using simple weaving schemes and visual photo materials.
The first sheet is created using greenbeads. To do this, you need to use beading with arcs. First, you need to cut off a piece of copper wire, the length of which can be approximately 40-45 centimeters. At one end of the wire, you need to make a loop, and on the other side you can start beading, stringing beads. Beads are collected only on two-thirds of the entire length of the taken wire. After completing this step, on the free side of the wire you need to make a loop consisting of beads, the length of which should be about ten centimeters.
Next, twist all the ends of the wire into severalturns. The free edge should be at least 8 centimeters long. Such a loop will represent the central base of the leaves. Now you need to form 3 arcs around the base. To get a serrated leaf, we fix the next arcs not at the top of the leaf, but at the middle of the arc, which is on the edge. We continue the symmetrical set of beads on both sides of the leaf. As a result, we should get a serrated leaf made of green beads, as in the photo. To create a bouquet, make about five leaves.

We repeat the previous steps in a similar way, but for work we take beads of pink shades.

Green beads are strung onto the wire, at the edgewhich the loop should be formed. At this stage, we begin to make the sepal, which is intended for the flower. About 10 beads should be put on the axis. After the work on forming the central axis is completed, make a few more pairs of arcs.

Next, we repeat the previous weaving process to create small pink flowers. Only the length of the axis in this version will be shorter by a couple of beads, i.e. we collect not 10 but 8 beads.

To weave a large flower,form the same leaves in a similar way. But in this case, the length of the axis will have a size of 11 and 12 beads. Their width should include 5 and 6 pairs of arcs, respectively. To create a bouquet, you need to repeat the weaving process and make three pieces of each leaf.

Next, take care of the stamens. They can be of different lengths, so you need to study the following master class:

  • to cut two lengths of wire, no longer than 25 centimeters;
  • put 30 and 25 beads on the base taken;
  • in the middle, the wire 30 beads do a loop of beads 7, and the second the wire with 25 beads - a loop of beads 5;
  • free end of the wire is passed through the remaining number of beads on each of the workpieces;
  • similar stamens for a bouquet need to be made in quantities of five and ten pieces.

The process of forming a flower To makegladioli from beads first we will form a bud. To perform this step you will need to take jagged leaves of a pink shade and wrap them in the shape of a bud. Then we wrap such a blank in jagged green leaves. After performing this step, the root can be wrapped with a green thread. To make the most durable structure, weave the rods from the wire itself. The wound threads must be securely fixed with glue.

We begin the process of assembling the finished bouquet withforming the shape for the leaves. To make the product look great, make an internal bend, which applies to flowers that have not yet had time to bloom. If we are talking about a large flower, then in this case the bends are made in the opposite direction.
Small flowers are easy to assemble.You need to collect stamens for the middle of the product in the amount of three pieces (one large and two small), wrap and fasten them in pairs together with four pink leaves. Next, we attach our sepal blanks and wind the roots with green threads, using glue.

We also assemble a large flower from stamens,twist the roots and attach the leaves. First, there are three blanks with bases of five beads, fasten with wire and attach a leaf with a base of 12 beads. We fasten the next leaf below the first. Then we attach the third leaf, twist the wire and attach the sepals. We twist the roots of the wire and wrap them with threads and glue.

The last stage of work is attaching the bouquet torod. You need to put a bud on its top and wind it down one centimeter. Then the rest are attached in a similar way. Do not forget to wind everything with a green thread.

As you can see, a master class on makinggladioli from beads is not difficult. Even a novice needlewoman can cope with such work. The following video will tell you about another option for creating a beaded composition of gladioli.

Video: Beading gladiolus

