Gobelin stitch and embroidery looped in photos and video tutorial

Gobelin stitch and embroidery looped in photos and video tutorial


Embroidered paintings decorate any room. Today we will speak about
And, more precisely, about himself gobelin seam. Technique of its implementation is very simple and the power of all the needle women.
Before starting work, you mustprepare: cloth, a special needle, yarn, scissors, hoop. Additionally, when embroidering tapestry stitch may need to glue fabric and marker. A few words about the choice of materials.

Materials needed for work

Tapestry seam is convenient to carry out on the canvas. This special fabric for embroidery. She has a strong weave that form a grid. Manufacturers offer a canvas with a dense or less dense weave. On the weaving density of the points of the canvas number. It is possible to use other fabric whose weave seen. However, embroider tapestry stitch on them is much more difficult than on the canvas.
Gobelin stitch yarns may be formed of anythick yarn or thread. Usually, the wool is used. Suitable for embroidery and tapestry stitch floss, pre-folded in 5-6 additions. Yarn must not be elastic. Otherwise quite difficult to ensure that the stitches are the same. Do not take the yarn with a long nap. Embroider a hard yarn. yarn thickness should correspond to the density of the canvas and the thickness of the needle.
Special needle for vyshivkiSuschestvuet tapestry tapestry embroidery 2 types:

  • embroidery, reminiscent of the surface of the cross, or for which you will need a needle with a large eye and a blunt end;
  • embroidery loop, for which requires a special needle. In this technique, you can create three-dimensional pictures.

Council. For beginners needlewomen best option is to purchase a ready kit for tapestry embroidery. There are the necessary materials and instructions, which describes in detail each gobelin seam. Do not just grab for the implementation of a complex pattern. When performing tapestry stitch art will appreciate, you can go to work with large-scale paintings. There will also be out of place to see a master class in which experienced embroiderers will share the secrets of the perfect performance tapestry stitch.

Technology implementation

Council. Before you begin, it is desirable to process the edge of the fabric so that they are not of Satan. On our site you can find a video that shows in detail how to do it.
Gobelin stitch is the basic element - the half-cross.
Order of half-cross

  • Introduce the needle in the upper right corner of the cell withbring the wrong side and in the lower left. On the front side of the diagonal is obtained, which has a direction from top to bottom. Make sure that the canvas is not over-tighten and stitches lay next to each other;
  • Follow the same steps in the next left cell. Repeat 1 and Step 2 until the end of the series;
  • Climb to the top to the next number. Enter the needle with yarn in the lower left corner of the cell from the inside out and bring in the upper right;
  • Repeat 4 and 5 th step.
  • Schematically, half-cross is as follows:

    As a result, on the front side must getdiagonal stitches, and purl - direct. Embroider in odd rows should be from right to left, and in the even - on the contrary. The stitches should go to bed as close to each other and tightly fill the canvas.
    Half-cross with prokladnoy thread embroidery, madesuch stitches, has a relief structure. However, do not abuse it. This stitch can help set off the flow of water, clouds or thick tops of trees swaying in the distance.
    implementation stages.

  • Inserting a needle between the upper and lower corner of the cell;
  • Calculate the number of stitches in the pattern of the same color, and bring the thread inside out through the required number of cells;
  • Make a half-cross laid on top of the thread.
  • Make sure that the thread tension was the same in all stitches.
    Schematically, half-cross with prokladnoy thread is as follows:

    Gobelin with half-cross stitch prokladnoy nityuRabota in odd rows from right to left, and in the even - left to right.
    Having mastered the technique half-cross, you can continue to embroidery paintings.

    Types tapestry stitches

    There are continental, straight, oblique, elongated and exciting gobelin seam.
    Continental gobelin seam It differs vividness and strength.

  • Introduce the needle in the bottom left corner of the square from the wrong side and bring the upper right;
  • Follow the same steps in the adjacent left quadrant. Repeat 1 and Step 2 as many times;
  • Turn the work and perform Step 1-3.
  • Schematically continental gobelin seam as follows:

    The front part of the work carried out by Continentalseam, does not differ from the face of the work done by half-cross. And on the inside of turn long diagonal stitches connecting the upper right and lower left corner of the adjacent squares.
    Direct gobelin seam winning lookcombination of different stitches. For example, if the direct and oblique gobelin stitch used in one picture, you can create the illusion of volume. They advisable to embroider frame embroidery or any other details that you want to select.

  • Introduce the needle in the lower right corner from the wrong side of the cell;
  • Introduce the needle in the lower right corner of the adjacent top row cells. Thus, the stitch is longer than other types of embroidery stitches tapestry;
  • Repeat 1 and Step 2 until the end of the series. Embroider need from right to left;
  • Introduce the needle in the bottom left corner of the cell adjacent row below. Continue to embroider from left to right.
  • Schematically direct gobelin seam as follows:

    Direct gobelin stitchOblique gobelin stitch

  • Introduce the needle in the bottom left corner of the square on the reverse side;
  • Introduce the needle in the bottom left corner of the adjacent square to the right of the top row;
  • Repeat 1 and Step 2 until the end of the series. Embroider need from right to left;
  • Introduce the needle in the bottom left corner of the square adjacent row below. Continue to embroider from left to right.
  • Schematically oblique gobelin seam is as follows:

    Oblique shovEtim gobelin tapestry stitch conveniently fill background.
    Elongated oblique gobelin seam This kind of modification of the previous stitch tapestry. However, one stitch connects cells arranged through one, and not adjacent.
    Schematically elongated oblique gobelin seam is as follows:

    Elongated oblique gobelin stitchGripping his gobelin seam advisableuse if you need to fill a large space or make a smooth color transition. Technique is simple, but requires care.

  • Run the first row of similarly elongated oblique seam;
  • The first stitch of the second row is located on the 2 cells is lower than the last stitch of the 1st row. A stitch end located between the beginning and end of the top row of stitches.
  • Schematically exciting gobelin seam as follows:

    Exciting shovDlinu gobelin stitches can increase or decrease in its sole discretion.
    Council. The stitches should be of medium tension. Otherwise, do not avoid skewing the fabric and embroidery will look untidy. The fabric in the embroidery frame should be tightened so that there was no sagging or pulling.

    Gobelin stitch is able to give a picture of charm andgrace. If skillfully combine different Tapestry stitches, you can create a pattern that will have interesting textures. Even in the photo or video clearly shows the difference between these pictures. For example, only an exciting gobelin seam will not be able to make a picture of the diverse. But if the direct connect, exciting and continental gobelin stitch, the pattern will play as a faceted diamond.
    Continental, direct and oblique gobelin seam are major. There is also a classification, the basis of which direction the stitches are taken. There are direct and oblique gobelin seam.
    This type of embroidery is perfect because it allowsNeedlewoman show imagination. Gobelin stitch is easy to perform and beautiful. And if you want something custom, you can see the master class of works in mosaic or block style. They are executed tapestry stitch and harmoniously fit into any decor.

    Video: how to embroider a tapestry stitch

    Embroidery loop

    In specialty stores you can buya special needle for embroidery tapestry loop. This technique allows the three-dimensional embroidery pattern. To work you will need: yarn, fabric, needle, drawing a stencil, scissors, glue, fabric, a special marker.

  • We transfer the pattern on the wrong side of the fabric in a mirror image. To do this, we use the marker. You can use a marker instead of a pencil;
  • Refill the right color thread in the needle;
  • We carry out the stitches as follows: puncture the tissue and slowly pull the needle tip. At the same time there is a thread behind the needle. The following stitches perform similarly;
  • Secure each gobelin seam on the side on which the work was carried out with glue. This is necessary to ensure that the finished product retains its appearance for many years.
  • Embroidery in the art of tapestry - this is probably oneof the most creative activities. There are skilled workers to move away from stereotyped and unleash the imagination. Gobelin stitch can learn to do for 30-40 minutes. As a result, you can get the whole masterpieces that will only issue.
    You can find a master class inwhich the registration procedure is described in detail the tapestry. Alternatively, you can seek help from a master who will do everything himself. Now a lot of baguette workshops, providing a huge selection of frames for finished tapestries and all the necessary to stretch your art materials.

    Video: master class on embroidery non-woven tapestry

