Crafting a frog-boat origami from paper is a universal lightweight product

Crafting a frog-boat origami from paper is a universal lightweight product

Поделка лягушка-кораблик оригами из бумаги assembles in just a few minutes. This is a very interesting product, which is essentially two in one - a frog's head when it is in one position, and a boat when the shape of the product changes slightly. Even a small child can easily handle such a product made using the origami technique thanks to the simple and accessible scheme. The art of origami is based on the production of various toys from ordinary sheets of paper. Neither glue nor scissors are used. If you make an exact translation of the name "origami", it will sound like "folded paper". Over the past decades, this technique has developed quite strongly and has gained popularity among people of various age categories. Most often, square paper of white or another color that is most suitable for a particular craft is used for origami crafts. In some cases, origami artists use other shapes of sheets. In ancient times, exclusively white paper served as the main material for work. Nowadays, people increasingly work with colored paper, the density of which ranges from 70 to 90 g / m2. Similar paper is used for working with printers. Now there are special origami kits called "kami". The sheets of paper that are in such a kit already have the shape of squares. Some methods of creating crafts, however, require working with scissors or glue, but these are non-traditional techniques of this type of art. Most often, they are made of paper by folding living creatures - animals, birds, insects, amphibians, and so on. In this article, we will tell you how to make an origami frog-boat craft from paper. This craft is interesting because in one position it takes the shape of a croaking frog's head, and in another position - an ordinary simple boat, known to us from early childhood. You can make this simple craft using the following boat diagram.Handmade frog-boat Origami made of paper. Photo №1To work on the craft we need to preparesquare paper with sides measuring twenty by twenty centimeters. A white sheet or any shade of green will do. Now you can start folding the figure. Initially, we need to fold the paper in half. The corners of the lower and upper edges should be neatly connected together. Now both one edge of the sheet and the second need to be folded to the resulting fold line outward. We need to fold one sheet in one direction, and the second, accordingly, in the other direction. As a result, we get a kind of accordion. At the next stage, we need to turn the sheet over to the opposite side and unfold the fold that we had before. Now fold all the corners to the middle of the workpiece and carefully smooth them with your fingers. Next, we need to fold the parts of the workpiece so that the corners that we folded are inside the future product. After we smooth out the made figure, we will get a small boat. In order to get a croaking frog, we need to slightly change the position of the figure, namely, carefully connect its sharp corners to each other and smooth them out. Now, at the fold, you need to slightly tear the paper, and turn the edges to the front side of the craft. We will smooth out the entire craft, and connect the edges in a shape resembling a beak.Handmade frog-boat Origami made of paper. Photo # 2 Handmade frog-boat Origami made of paper. Picture №3In principle, the croaking frog is ready.To make it look more interesting and alive, we will color it a little with felt-tip pens or markers. We will finish drawing the tongue and eyes of our amphibian. In the picture we see what a cute frog is obtained as a result of simple and easy actions that take only a few minutes of free time.Handmade frog-boat Origami made of paper. Photo №4

