Craft from tires "Matryoshka" - step-by-step instructions for creating small architectural forms on a personal plot

Craft from tires "Matryoshka" - step-by-step instructions for creating small architectural forms on a personal plot

Old tires that are not suitable for the car,can be very useful in the yard or on a summer cottage. Tires are an excellent material for creating various crafts in the form of fairy-tale characters, because they do not deteriorate from bad weather, are quite easy to cut, fasten, so they take almost any shape. From "used" tires you can create an amazing Matryoshka, a bear or even a Goldfish. To create such crafts, you need men's hands, because only outwardly the craft seems like a toy, but its creation takes a couple of days of work and a lot of effort. To paint a Russian heroine, you will have to apply all your imagination or use some sketches from magazines, children's books.step-by-step instructions for making crafts from old tiresTo create a matryoshka doll you will need:

  • Bright colors, buying them, specify that they are suitable for outdoor work, that is, on the streets and were resistant to the effects of sun and moisture.
  • Old tires from a passenger car - 6 pcs.
  • Thick plywood (about 5 mm) to create a matryoshka face.
  • Screws - 20 pcs.
  • Metal corners 2 pcs.
  • Sand for filling cavities of crafts.
  • This craft has a high base and insidefilled with sand, so it is quite stable and does not require additional rubber fastenings to the ground. First, a frame is created from metal pipes or corners. You can use old pipes from replaced plumbing or corner trimmings after creating a gazebo, etc. The length of this frame is equal to the height of the nesting doll plus 30 cm. First, choose a place to build the craft, keep in mind that the height of the beauty will be slightly lower than human height, and the diameter is about half a meter. In the center of the selected area, drive in two pipes, drowning them by about 30 cm, the distance between the main pipes is about 40 cm. Then put the first ring, that is, a large tire on metal poles. Next, put the second rubber tire on the posts, they should fit together around the entire circumference, that is, lie flat.step-by-step instructions for making crafts from old tiresIn 4-5 places, fasten two tires with bolts and hooks. This fastening will allow the two positions to not shift relative to each other in the future.step-by-step instructions for making crafts from old tiresAt the next stage, start pouring sand intothe bottom tire, you can fill it completely to sprinkle a little on the second tier. The third tire is put on the frame and fixed with bolts to the second part. Then the procedure is repeated with filling the second level with sand. Similar manipulations are carried out with the last fourth tire, but do not rush to fill it with sand. The hands of the matryoshka are made from another tire, which is first cut in half, and then the sides are cut off at the top and bottom of the half ring. This must be done so that the hands fit tightly to the upper and lower tires and can be easily fixed with large bolts.step-by-step instructions for making crafts from old tires step-by-step instructions for making crafts from old tiresFor the head of the matryoshka you will need one more tire andplywood. First, draw two circles on the plywood the size of the wheel. Of course, you can't find a large compass, so use a ribbon tied to chalk, and the other end of the ribbon is placed in the center of the future circle. Along the drawn line, cut out even rounded parts for the face from the plywood. The cut out circles from plywood are attached to the last tire, covering the entire gap.step-by-step instructions for making crafts from old tiresOn one side of the wheel, make two holes for the metal frame on which the entire structure is fixed, and put the “head” on these metal pins (corners).step-by-step instructions for making crafts from old tiresHaving connected all the details, you need to start painting.charming Russian nesting doll. The main colors are red and yellow, and the remaining elements are drawn according to your imagination and charisma.step-by-step instructions for making crafts from old tiresThe matryoshka's face is drawn the same on both sides, meaning that the toy on the playground or in the yard pleases everyone present and does not turn its back on anyone.step-by-step instructions for making crafts from old tiresThis cute matryoshka doll will decorate your yard for more than one season.

