An odd job for the pda under the exhibition with your own hands. Simple tips and photos.

An odd job for the pda under the exhibition with your own hands. Simple tips and photos.

An odd job for the pda under the exhibition with your own hands. Simple tips and photos .. Photo # 1How to teach children seriousness and give themparting words? Of course, we need to find access to their consciousness and show how traffic rules can affect the life of any person. Those who like to make crafts can get very great opportunities to participate in competitions on traffic rules. The possibilities for creating children's crafts vary, as do the ideas that can be realized using cardboard and other materials.An odd job for the pda under the exhibition with your own hands. Simple tips and photos .. Photo # 2In order to make a craft according to traffic rules,you need to use different resources. We will use plain, colored paper, which will be used as the main component. In addition, acrylic paints are suitable, which can be used to decorate your craft. Moreover, it is worth using plasticine as another component in order to make the craft more voluminous. So, you can make cards. To do this, you should use a preliminary preparation of a traffic light template. Next, we will need white sheets of A4 paper. Then, you should use cardboard and scissors, thanks to which you can implement decorative elements. It is also worth using colored paper and colored pencils or paints for decoration.An odd job for the pda under the exhibition with your own hands. Simple tips and photos .. Photo # 3Next, the template needs to be applied to black paper andtrace with a pencil or pen. Then, you need to cut out the shape of the traffic light and draw three circles on black paper, which will then – needs to be cut. Next, you need to cut out three squares of red, green and yellow paper, which inside will have circles of the diameter of the desired shape. They also need to be cut out. A mock-up of a colored circle is pasted onto the black circle. Then, you need to bend the resulting circle in half. Three circles must be glued to the traffic light. Spread only half of the circle on half. This means that the other half can cover the traffic light indicator. Thus, it will be possible to run an interactive competition, or tell children the rules for using traffic lights. There are many more ideas for handling road traffic. A large number of different ideas and materials will help you teach any child the rules of the road. Thus, the whole variety of ideas can be used to tell young audiences about how to behave on the roads. One such idea can significantly help in implementing the rules.

