Hand-crafted for the Victory Day with your own hands made of paper.

Hand-crafted for the Victory Day with your own hands made of paper.

We begin to prepare in advance for our belovedMay holiday and are keen on spending fun with children, making crafts with our own hands, then to congratulate them veterans who passed the war. Let's give, for example, an odd job that will please veterans on Victory Day! Such cards are usually made at the age of 3-4-5 years with the help of adults, in 6-7 it is already possible for the child to entrust this task for self-fulfillment, for example, in a school in the first class.

  • We will have to prepare the material:
  • - cardboard, glue, colored paper and scissors.A gift to the veteran with his own hands. Handy for May 9 in the kindergarten.

  • First, we prepare the cardboard by folding it in half.
  • Next, take the color. paper and scissors.
  • Draw a simple pencil on colored paper figures (see below) to create a medal in honor of victory, the size of the figures you define yourself.
  • Now you need to cut out these shapes.
  • Let's start gluing, the details cut out by us, one by one to our craft by May 9:
  • - pentagon - strips - circle - star - number9 An original postcard was made, made by own hands. We will give it to the winners - the veterans by May 9. In the postcard we leave our wishes or draw a picture on the topic. A gift to the veteran with his own hands. Handy for May 9 in the kindergarten.

