Heart tilde master class, pattern, sew the heart with their own hands / Toys with their hands, patterns, video, MK

Heart tilde master class, pattern, sew the heart with their own hands / Toys with their hands, patterns, video, MK

The sweetest and sweetest thing that you can give to a loved onea man is a valentine heart. To make it yourself is quite a feasible task. That is, sew. The technique of making tilde dolls is quite simple even for beginner needlewomen. Here is a detailed master class.



  • pattern (download our, search on the Internet, or draw with your own hands);
  • fabric (thick flax, cotton);
  • cotton wool or holofayber for packing;
  • mixture for painting (coffee, cocoa, vanillin, ground cinnamon, PVA glue, cold water);
  • brushes;
  • thread;
  • elements of decoration (ribbons, beads, lace).

Important: Traditional tilde toy has a pleasant color of coffee, cinnamon or gentle cream. But if you want your valentine heart to be the usual pink or scarlet color, then choose such a fabric. serdce-shit-002 how to sew a tilde heart

  • We translate the pattern on the fabric, carefully cut out, not forgetting to leave allowances for sostrachivaniya.
  • We spend heart on the machine, leavinghole for packing. If you sew well with your hands, then you can manually. It should be noted that the heart in the style of tilde necessarily has an elongated shape, characteristic of all kinds of these dolls, invented by the artist Tony Finanger. Someone even jokes that it's almost a carrot.
  • Then our tilde's heart is stuffed with cotton orhollofayer. Be accurate and precise in the movements, the heart should have a smooth, dense, elastic structure. So do not feel sorry for the filler. Then we close the slot for packing with a hidden seam.
  • We prepare the mixture for painting. To do this, mix in a heat-resistant container a couple of teaspoons of instant coffee, cocoa, add another half teaspoon of vanillin and cinnamon. Fill it all with a glass of hot water. In another bowl, mix two tablespoons of PVA glue and cold water. The resulting adhesive solution is added to the hot mixture of coffee and cocoa.
  • Turn the oven on 110-130 degrees forheating. While she is gaining heat, we take a brush and gently paint the heart. The tilde doll should be smooth, pleasant color, without streaks. Therefore, very gently, lightly pressing, brush with the surface of the fabric.
  • Painted heart, we put it in the oven. We wait until it is dried. The finished heart will lighten, it will become completely dry and it will be very pleasant to smell like cinnamon.
  • We wrap the finished heart with ribbons, extend it with beads, beads. The heart, especially made in the style of tilde, adorned with delicate lace, will certainly please the gifted.

serdce-shit-007As you can see, the master class is quite simple andsew their own hands a toy for the forces even for those who are not very friendly with needlework. Good, correct pattern, a little patience - and a gift tilde ready!

