Baking homemade cookies with your own hands: cookie recipes without baking and baking

Baking homemade cookies with your own hands: cookie recipes without baking and baking

There are a large number of varieties andrecipes for what kind of cookies can be made especially for the home table. This can be both a serious and complex process of recreating a recipe, and simple cooking that will not take too much time. So, do you need to prepare cookies for tea with your own hands? We offer you two popular recipes for a delicious and simple recipe with your own hands. The ideas for cookies are very simple, consider:

Oatmeal cookies

baking homemade cookies with their own hands: cookie recipes without baking and with baking. Photo №1Making oatmeal cookies is quite simple. For this we will need the following ingredients

  • 12 tablespoons of flour
  • three-quarters of a glass of sugar
  • Flakes in the form of two table spoons
  • Two eggs
  • Half a glass of nuts
  • Vanilla Sugar (by taste buds)
  • Tablespoon of liqueur
  • Butter in the amount of 100 grams.

Oatmeal Cookies Recipebaking homemade cookies with their own hands: cookie recipes without baking and with baking. Photo # 2First of all, you need to rubthe butter and vanilla sugar in one bowl with a spoon. Grind this mass until white, then beat in the egg mixture, then add the liqueur. After all impurities have disappeared from the consistency and a white color has appeared. Next, you need to add the liqueur mixture. After the sugar residue has disappeared, you need to add the nuts, which must first be mixed with flour. The nuts must be processed and roasted. Next, the future cookie mixture must be stirred and oatmeal flakes must be added, then, with a spoon, you need to push them onto a baking sheet, which must first be greased with flour and butter. We prepare the cookies by baking at 170 to 200 degrees. Cook for 2 minutes. The cookies must be removed from the baking sheet with a knife.


baking homemade cookies with their own hands: cookie recipes without baking and with baking. Picture №3Also, a very popular recipe is considereda shortbread cookie option that goes perfectly with tea and will be a great addition to the festive table. It is incredibly easy to make, and the ingredients are also simple:

  • 2.5 cups of flour
  • Butter (cream) in the amount of 300 g.
  • 3 pieces of yolk
  • Nuts - 1 cup, ground, walnuts
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • Food soda in an amount of half a teaspoon
  • A small amount of salt

Shortbread Cookies Recipebaking homemade cookies with their own hands: cookie recipes without baking and with baking. Photo №4Next, you need to sift the flour andthen mix with the soda mixture. After that, it is necessary to make a depression in the center of the mass. We move on to sugar and butter, which are ground into each other. Next, the yolks are added to the product, which are then poured into salt and then poured into the mixture with flour. Next, all this must be put in the refrigerator, or on the balcony (in case of winter) and wait 30 minutes. After that, roll the product into a layer, then cut out the desired types of cookies using various forms. We put the product on a baking sheet and then grease them on top with an egg, and then cover with nuts (grated).baking homemade cookies with their own hands: cookie recipes without baking and with baking. Photo №5The product is baked in an oven at a temperature of 230 to 250 degrees until it reaches a golden color.

