How to create interesting and funny crafts from cones yourself
Cones are an excellent material forchildren's creativity. Crafts made from them using additional materials (for example, leaves) – This is a great chance to give children to show their imagination and ingenuity. “Crocodile Gena” Manufacturing. 1. Cut 2 cones. Their halves will go to the paws. 2. Using a whole cone, you can make a great head. A longitudinal cut is made in it, approximately up to halfway. 3. A large cone is used for the torso. To attach the paws and head to it, make small indentations in the cone. Use an ordinary thin awl for this. 4. Assembling the toy. Attach the legs and head to the body by securing them with toothpicks and filling them with glue. 5. A piece of birch bark – this is a tie. The hat can be made from paper. The scales of the cone will go into the eyes.
“Lumberjack” Manufacturing. 1.The head is made from an acorn. Glue thread hair onto it. Don't forget to draw the mouth and eyes. Twig – gorgeous nose. 2. To make legs and arms, take twigs after breaking them off. The limbs are attached with glue. You can make feet by using halves of pistachios. Attach the toy to the stand. 3. The woodcutter needs an axe. Make it from a seed and a match. Birch bark will serve as firewood. 4. To prevent the stand from being visible, decorate it with moss.
Manufacturing. 1.To make wings, take large feathers. Glue them to the pine cone, alternating 2 sides. Glue on the back side – small feather. This will be tail 2. The wire needs to be bent so that it looks like a swan neck. Refer to Figure 3. The beak is cut out of paper (preferably velvet) and glued to the head
“Bird” Manufacturing. 1.It is better to make the head from rose hips. Beads – great option for the eyes. The leaf will be a perfect tuft. 2. Insert a toothpick into the body and attach the berry head to it. 3. Wonderfully shaped leaves will go on the tail and wings. The toothpicks will go on the paws. 4. Attach the swan to the stand.
“Butterfly” Manufacturing. 1.Wings – pieces of birch bark. Color them with felt-tip pens, applying the desired design. 2. Make cuts on the body made from the pine cone. The wings are inserted into them and filled with glue. 3. The beaded eyes are attached with wire. 4. Take the wire and carefully bend the antennae and legs out of it. Attach them to the main part of the craft.