How to make a topiary from coffee beans by your own hands, step-by-step photos, detailed instructions, tips and advice on creating coffee trees of various shapes

How to make a topiary from coffee beans by your own hands, step-by-step photos, detailed instructions, tips and advice on creating coffee trees of various shapes

More and more people around the world are giving preferencedecorations and decorative elements made by hand. Craftswomen make elegant and original hand-made items from completely different materials: ribbons, beads and beads, polymer clay, foamiran, paper and even coffee beans. Topiaries have recently become one of the popular options for decorating a room. Initially, they were the concern of gardeners only and were beautifully trimmed decorative trees. The very first of them appeared in Ancient Egypt and the countries of Near Asia, and then moved to Rome. Topiaries were gardeners who looked after a certain area of ​​the garden of wealthy patricians - topia. Bushes and trees were trimmed, giving them geometrically correct shapes, or entire sculptures were created, for example, in the form of animals. When the Roman Empire fell into decline, it would seem that topiaries should have been forgotten. But this type of decorative art received a new round of development thanks to the Christian Church. The monks, who valued silence and solitude for prayer, liked the idea of ​​creating gardens. For almost ten centuries, the art of topiary was reliably hidden by monastery walls. Everything changed with the advent of the Renaissance. Antique canons of beauty and art came into fashion again, and topiary was reborn. This was also influenced by changes in architecture. Houses and palaces no longer resemble fortresses, there is space for ostentatious luxury, and topiary is perfect for demonstrating it. Examples of amazing garden solutions are the gardens of Versailles and Peterhof. Now the art of topiary has changed a little, or has found a new niche in interior decor - tiny trees with geometrically correct crowns have appeared, which needlewomen create from various scrap materials. In this article, we will offer several master classes on creating topiary from coffee beans. In addition to its beautiful appearance, such a topiary has another excellent feature - a delightful coffee aroma. Such a craft will immediately create a cozy atmosphere in the room. Before proceeding directly to the creation of the craft, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the general information for all coffee topiaries. For each European tree of happiness you will need:

  • The basis of the correct geometric shape.

Most often it is a ball or a heart.You can use polystyrene foam, penoplex or even polyurethane foam as a base material, but you will need to cut the base out of it. You can also buy it ready-made in florist shops or take an old Christmas tree toy. The base can be pasted over with cotton pads and wrapped with threads to make it easy to glue the beans. It must first be painted in a color close to coffee beans. Advice! If you want to make a topiary from coffee beans as a gift, think in advance about the meaning you will put into it. Such a product is considered a symbol of happiness, prosperity and well-being, and by adding additional touches to it, you correct the message put into the craft. If the topiary is intended for newlyweds, next to the two main crowns, you can place one or two small ones, as a wish of the kids. For your loved one, the crown can be made in the shape of a heart. A gift for a woman can contain additional decorations in the form of beads, ribbons and lace. Topiary can also be given to a man, creating a craft with a strong, sturdy base that will emphasize the reliability of the stronger sex.

  • Coffee beans.

They can be arranged in different ways.You can glue the beans with the flat side to the surface of the base or try to attach them in the form of scales. The main thing is to choose high-quality beans. Here, as in beading, the calibration of the material is important - the more accurately the size of the coffee beans is selected, the neater the craft will be. Well-roasted, shiny and uniformly sized beans are the key to a beautiful topiary.

  • Trunk.

Depending on your wishes or inAccording to the idea, thick wire, plastic tubes or even real wooden sticks, straight or curved, can be used for the trunk of the topiary. Later, they are wrapped with ribbons, lace, sisal, hemp rope, paper or fabric of your choice.

  • Capacity for topiary.

Small ones can act in this capacitypots for indoor plants, plastic glasses or ceramic cups with a coffee theme. You can use almost anything to decorate the container, from ribbons and lace to wooden ice cream sticks and sisal.

  • Priming.

In order to strengthen the coffee tree you canuse the same techniques as when creating trees from beads - alabaster or gypsum. They are diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream, the topiary is placed in a container and filled. For the time it takes for the mixture to harden, the topiary will need supports so that it does not tilt. When everything hardens, a layer of glue can be applied to the surface and decorated with ground coffee or grains, beads, pebbles, dried flowers, artificial or real moss, in general, everything that your imagination suggests. Another option for the soil can be blanks made of foam plastic and similar materials. Pieces are cut out of them in a shape resembling a container for the topiary, so that the foam plastic fits tightly into it. Glue to the bottom and insert the trunk with the crown on top. Decorate in the same way.

  • The final decor.

Elements and details for decorating topiary can bechoose absolutely any. Cinnamon sticks, star anise and dried citrus slices look the most organic. Otherwise, only your imagination and creative vision can suggest what exactly can serve as that very touch that will make your craft unique. And now we offer you options for several cute topiaries. Topiary in a bagHow to make a topiary from coffee beans yourself, step-by-step photos, detailed instructions, tips and recommendations for creating coffee trees of various shapes. Photo №1This cute little craft is very easy to make. It is perfect for those who are just trying their hand at creating topiaries. Materials and tools:

  • Coffee beans;
  • Wooden skewers for shish kebab;
  • The base of the round form (use the old New Year's toy);
  • Hot glue and glue gun;
  • Scissors;
  • Capacity of a spherical shape (you can take a jar from under the cream for the body, in shape resembling a small barrel);
  • A piece of burlap;
  • Thin rubber;
  • Alabaster;
  • Instant coffee;
  • Brown paint;
  • Elements for decoration (ribbons of different colors).

It is necessary to pull out the tip with the loop from the Christmas tree ball and insert several skewers into the resulting hole. For reliability, you can fix it with glue.How to make a topiary from coffee beans yourself, step-by-step photos, detailed instructions, tips and recommendations for creating coffee trees of various shapes. Photo # 2If your ball is not coffee-colored, but, for example, blueor green, then you need to paint it. Now glue the coffee beans to the ball. This must be done in several stages and layers, so that there are no gaps between the beans in which the ball is visible. The skewers can be fastened together with an elastic band. Paint them with coffee-colored paint. You need to cut a circle out of a piece of burlap. Its dimensions should be such that when you wrap the jar in it, the edges remain free for a few centimeters. Now you need to wrap the jar with this circle and fix it with an elastic band.How to make a topiary from coffee beans yourself, step-by-step photos, detailed instructions, tips and recommendations for creating coffee trees of various shapes. Picture №3 How to make a topiary from coffee beans yourself, step-by-step photos, detailed instructions, tips and recommendations for creating coffee trees of various shapes. Photo №4Mix alabaster or gypsum with water and pour the mixture into a jar. Now insert the topiary there. When it dries, cover the surface of the gypsum with glue and fill it with instant coffee.How to make a topiary from coffee beans yourself, step-by-step photos, detailed instructions, tips and recommendations for creating coffee trees of various shapes. Photo №5All that's left is to tie the ribbons and the topiary is ready.How to make a topiary from coffee beans yourself, step-by-step photos, detailed instructions, tips and recommendations for creating coffee trees of various shapes. Photo №6Coffee ValentineHow to make a topiary from coffee beans yourself, step-by-step photos, detailed instructions, tips and recommendations for creating coffee trees of various shapes. Photo №7Such a wonderful gift will definitely please your loved one. Materials and tools:

  • A sheet of very thick paper;
  • Pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Wire;
  • Glue;
  • Wadded disks;
  • Thick thread;
  • Coffee beans;
  • Paint (white and brown colors);
  • Jar of canned food;
  • Penoplex;
  • Jute;
  • Ice cream sticks;
  • Pastel;
  • Elements of decor (lace in the tone of pastels, flowers from ribbons, beads).

First of all, you need to make a coffee basevalentines. To do this, fold a sheet of paper in half and draw half a heart so that the vertical fold line of the paper is in the middle of the valentine. Cut out and straighten the blank. We got a symmetrical heart. For the trunk, you need two pieces of wire. Their length should be twice the expected length of the topiary trunk. Coat the wire with glue and wrap it with paper. Now you need to fold the blanks in half and glue them to the paper heart at the fold.How to make a topiary from coffee beans yourself, step-by-step photos, detailed instructions, tips and recommendations for creating coffee trees of various shapes. Photo №8To make the heart voluminous, you need cotton pads. Glue them in two or three layers to the blank. Now, using thick threads, give the blank smooth lines.How to make a topiary from coffee beans yourself, step-by-step photos, detailed instructions, tips and recommendations for creating coffee trees of various shapes. Photo Number 9We paint our future topiary brown.When the paint dries, we begin the long and painstaking work of gluing the coffee beans. The work can be done in two stages. First one side, then the other.How to make a topiary from coffee beans yourself, step-by-step photos, detailed instructions, tips and recommendations for creating coffee trees of various shapes. Picture №10Let's start creating a pot for ourtopiary. To do this, we glue ice cream sticks onto a tin can. It looks like a fence. When the glue dries, we paint our container white.How to make a topiary from coffee beans yourself, step-by-step photos, detailed instructions, tips and recommendations for creating coffee trees of various shapes. Photo Number 11We coat the trunk of the topiary with glue at the very top and attach the end of the jute rope. Now we need to glue it and tightly wrap it on top along its entire length.How to make a topiary from coffee beans yourself, step-by-step photos, detailed instructions, tips and recommendations for creating coffee trees of various shapes. Photo number 12We glue a piece of foam plastic into the potfoam rubber and insert our tree into it. Wait until the glue dries and decorate it. You can paint the upper part of the fence boards with pastel. Attach flowers from ribbons and a bow from lace to the heart and decorate the pot with a ribbon of lace and half beads. The topiary is ready. Coffee topiary in a cupHow to make a topiary from coffee beans yourself, step-by-step photos, detailed instructions, tips and recommendations for creating coffee trees of various shapes. Photo №13This option of creation will be a little more complicated, but looking at the finished product, you will not even think about wasted time. Materials and tools:

  • Coffee beans;
  • Ceramic cup and saucer;
  • Plastic ball-shaped base (you can take a ball for the children's pool);
  • Glue gun and hot glue;
  • Acrylic paint;
  • Acrylic lacquer (matt);
  • Foil;
  • Construction foam;
  • Stem (stick or piece of thick wire)
  • Elements of decor (sisal, lagurus (you can choose other spikelets or dead wood)).

Let's make the base.Take a plastic ball and cut a hole in it that matches the diameter of the barrel. Now fill it halfway with foam and insert a stick or wire (barrel) into the hole. Leave it to harden with the barrel facing up. The foam will increase in volume and securely fix it inside. Any excess foam that may come out of the hole can then be carefully cut off with a knife. It will take several hours for it to harden. Let's start painting the ball. It will be more convenient to use spray paint. It is better to do this in a well-ventilated room. Cover with color in two layers. If you took a foam base, use gouache, spray paint can spoil the surface. Also cover the barrel with two layers of paint.How to make a topiary from coffee beans yourself, step-by-step photos, detailed instructions, tips and recommendations for creating coffee trees of various shapes. Photo Number 14Glue the grains. Do this in two layers so that there are no gaps. If you do not have many grains, you can make one layer. The places where the ball will be visible can be masked with halves of grains.How to make a topiary from coffee beans yourself, step-by-step photos, detailed instructions, tips and recommendations for creating coffee trees of various shapes. Photo number 15We fix it in a container. We mix the alabaster with water.If you have a ceramic cup, cover it with foil before pouring the mixture in. When hardening, the mixture heats up and expands, and the cup may crack. If you have chosen a plastic container, you will not need foil. You can put several pieces of foam plastic in the cup, insert the topiary and pour the mixture in. You will need a support until it hardens completely. During the hardening process, you can stick several dead branches into the alabaster and cover the coffee ball with two layers of matte varnish. It has virtually no smell and will help protect the coffee beans from burning out and oxidizing in the air.How to make a topiary from coffee beans yourself, step-by-step photos, detailed instructions, tips and recommendations for creating coffee trees of various shapes. Photo number 16 How to make a topiary from coffee beans yourself, step-by-step photos, detailed instructions, tips and recommendations for creating coffee trees of various shapes. Photo number 17Decor.Apply a layer of transparent glue to the alabaster surface and attach the sisal fiber. You will need similar glue to secure the cup to the saucer and decorate the saucer with coffee beans. When the glue hardens, you can shake off the beans that have not stuck. Sometimes you can pour new ones on the saucer so that the coffee aroma is felt more strongly. They also need to be varnished.How to make a topiary from coffee beans yourself, step-by-step photos, detailed instructions, tips and recommendations for creating coffee trees of various shapes. Photo Number 18 How to make a topiary from coffee beans yourself, step-by-step photos, detailed instructions, tips and recommendations for creating coffee trees of various shapes. Photo Number 19The coffee tree is ready.

