How to make a beautiful dove in a quilling technique? Master Class

How to make a beautiful dove in a quilling technique? Master Class

A simple example of quilling work should be explained on a child's usual handicraft. We will use the option of combining two techniques - paper plastic, as well as quilling.How to make a beautiful dove in a quilling technique? Master Class. Photo №1

How to make a beautiful dove in a quilling technique? Master Class

  • For work we need a bird pattern
  • White paper, yellow paper, blue paper, red
  • Napkins (made of paper)
  • PVA-glue, Pencil-glue
  • Toothpick
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Black beads (for the eye)
  • Pencil
  • Frame

How to make a beautiful dove in a quilling technique? Master Class. Photo # 2In order to perform a certain job, we will need to make blanks:

  • Harvesting the Sun
  • Poultry head preparation
  • White, yellow stripes - width 4 mm.
  • White stripes 2 cm wide
  • White stripes 1 cm to 1.5 cm wide.
  • Red stripes for flowers 2 cm wide and 15 cm long.
  • Green rectangular leaves for the leaflet - 3.5 centimeters wide and 3 centimeters long.

The beginning of the quilling techniqueHow to make a beautiful dove in a quilling technique? Master Class. Picture №3First, we need to cut out the templatefuture bird. Then, the napkin must be crumpled and then glued along the body (contour) in order to get volume. Next, we make flowers using red stripes, which should look like fringe (straight cut). Next, using a toothpick and the quilling technique, we twist the stripes. Then, glue the end and straighten the fringe. The flower is ready!How to make a beautiful dove in a quilling technique? Master Class. Photo №4Once the parts are ready, you can startassembly of the future picture. First, you need to try it on, then glue the bird to the main part of the picture and then glue the sun, and then the rays.How to make a beautiful dove in a quilling technique? Master Class. Photo №5Then, you need to fold the strips from the accordionwhite paper and cut out shapes that will look like droplets for the feather. Then, using green rectangle shapes folded in half, using templates or desired shapes, cut out the leaves of the branch.How to make a beautiful dove in a quilling technique? Master Class. Photo №6Then, we glue the finished feathers to the tail part. We start from the bottom part. We glue the middle of the tail using feathers longer than for the side ones.How to make a beautiful dove in a quilling technique? Master Class. Photo №7Finishing the work Using white stripes forquilling we create a head, and then - a beak. Next, we make a sun, using yellow strips for quilling and create a circle in the middle and then, using fewer strips, make more circles and then - give the shape of rays for the future version of the sun.How to make a beautiful dove in a quilling technique? Master Class. Photo №8Then you need to glue the flowers and add forbranches “grass” using a green strip (thin). After that, the flowers need to be “tried on” on the craft and glued diagonally to the wings of the feathers. After that, it is necessary to make bends using the paper plastic technique in order to get volume. We glue the feathers along the body, starting from its lower part and then, rising up. On the neck, the feathers should be small. Then, take the white strips for the feathers and fold them in half and begin to recreate the fringe of the oblique cut.How to make a beautiful dove in a quilling technique? Master Class. Photo Number 9Then, glue the key and the body blank. Glue the eye - assemble the branch. The product is ready!How to make a beautiful dove in a quilling technique? Master Class. Picture №10

