How to make a bell with your own hands, master class / Toys yourself, patterns, video, MK

How to make a bell with your own hands, master class / Toys yourself, patterns, video, MK

Author:ZanozaWe present to your attention a master class on creating a ritual doll Kolokolchik. This doll came to us from Valdai, according to legend, it carries the power of a talisman against diseases and other evil spirits. Cheerful and perky, the Kolokolchik doll is considered a doll of good news and good mood. Our ancestors have long attributed healing and protective properties to the ringing of a bell. In difficult times, be it an invasion of the plague or an enemy force, they always rang the bells so that troubles would pass by. And on holidays, bells were added to the harness, and then their ringing was heard throughout Valdai. The doll was considered a good gift for a wedding and christening. After all, by giving such a doll to a loved one, you wish him family well-being, happiness and health. We will tell you how to make a bell.

We make the guard of the bell

To make a bell with your own hands, we will need the following materials and tools:bell

  • three flaps of fabric for skirts;
  • a piece of cloth for the shirt;
  • flap of tissue on a scarf;
  • wide braid on the anal;
  • ribbon on the belt;
  • a ball of sintoo;
  • thread for dressing;
  • bell;
  • scissors;
  • line;
  • compass.

bell-2Operating procedure

  • The bell bell traditionally has three skirts,symbolizing the three components of man: body, mind and soul. It was believed that only then a person is happy when his mind is in harmony with body and soul. We take a flap for the lower skirt and draw a circle with a diameter of 30 cm. It is most convenient to do this with a compass.
  • Each subsequent skirt will be smaller than the previous one5 cm. Cut out the circles. We should have three circles: 30.25 and 20 cm in diameter. Next, we take the sintepux and roll it into a small ball, to which we tie the bell.
  • We put it on the biggest circle, on the wrong side. We turn and see that the ball is strictly in the center of the workpiece. Then we tie it with a red thread.
  • In master classes to create dolls of amuletsthere is a red thread. It's all about the protective property of red color from the evil eye and other troubles. And it is the red woolen thread that has long been the very first amulet for the baby.
  • We are already beginning to loom the doll. In the same way, we put on two more skirts, bandaging each with a red thread. From above we will put on our doll-amulet shirt.
  • For a shirt, we need a square flapfabric size of 20 to 20 cm. Apply the opposite corners of the square one on top of the other and dress on top of the doll. We tie a ball of the head in a place where the previous bandages have already been made.
  • Of the protruding sides of the shirt we needmake hands. First, we fold the edges of the fabric inside, then fold them in half and tie them, stepping back from the edge 1 cm. Similarly, make the sleeve on the other side.
  • It remains to make a ponoynik and kosynochku. An owl doll has traditionally had an embroidery with an embroidery. You can take a dense fabric and embroider or use the ready-made embroidered braid.
  • We put on the head of the doll on the head. For a scarf, we cut out a thin triangle of cotton with sides of 30 cm. Fold the edge of the scarf inside and put it on top of the ponoynik.
  • We tie the koskinka on the chest of the doll crosswise and tie it from behind. It remains to wear a belt and decorate with ribbons. The doll-guard of the bell is ready to protect you and your family.
  • bell-25And finally, I would like to give some advice.You need to start making amulets in a good mood, setting yourself up for positive thoughts. Only then will the doll become a real amulet for you. Good luck and creative success.

