How to make a board game with your own hands for children from 3 years old

How to make a board game with your own hands for children from 3 years old

How to make a board game with your own hands forchildren from 3 years old. Many people like to play board games, and this is a good way to spend time on rainy autumn days. It is not at all necessary to buy a lot of toys in stores, because you can make very interesting games for children with your own hands and at home. It will not be difficult to make such a game, and we will use waste material that can be found in any home. NOTE: in this game we use a lot of small parts, so I recommend playing it with children from 3 years old. We will need (for the top): Bottle caps Toothpicks Small straws Chupa Chups sticks Mosaic parts Wooden beads Scissors AwlHow to make a board game with your own hands for children from 3 years oldHow to do it: We will have three different tops:How to make a board game with your own hands for children from 3 years oldWe assemble the top as shown in the photo:How to make a board game with your own hands for children from 3 years oldFIRST PLAYING FIELD: We will need:Cardboard envelope Colored paper Scissors, large hole punch Markers Scotch tape How to do it: Make 6 holes in the envelope on one side. Glue colored paper underneath and sign. You can play with your child "stepping" in turns, you need to get from 1 to 5.How to make a board game with your own hands for children from 3 years old  SECOND PLAYING FIELD: We will need:Same as for the first game. How to do it: Make 4 holes in the envelope on one side. Glue colored paper underneath and sign. Whoever gets to the other side first wins.How to make a board game with your own hands for children from 3 years old  THIRD PLAYING FIELD: We will need: The same, but also glue. How to do it: Cut and glue circles of different sizes and sign:How to make a board game with your own hands for children from 3 years oldStart spinning from the middle, and where the top stops - that means how many points you have earned.How to make a board game with your own hands for children from 3 years old  FOURTH PLAYING FIELD: We will need: The same, but also a box lid, paints and brushes, cardboard circles and foam circles, lids.How to make a board game with your own hands for children from 3 years old 1How to do it: Color a piece of paper, glue everything you need to it (circles and lids). Mark the beginning.How to make a board game with your own hands for children from 3 (2)Play - who will earn the most points.How to make a board game with your own hands for children from 3 years old  I suggest you look at other articles on how to make table football, billiards, bowling and other games for boys.

