How to make a bracelet from a bottle with your own hands

How to make a bracelet from a bottle with your own hands

Today I want to share with you an interesting idea - how to make a bright summer bracelet with your own hands from a plastic bottle:bracelet from a bottle (1)We cut out a bracelet of the required width from the bottle.bracelet from a bottle (1)We make holes for fixing beads, buttons with threads.bracelet from a bottle (3)Thread string on the thread.bracelet from a bottle (5)We fix the buttons on the bracelet.bracelet from bottle (6)bracelet from bottle (7)And we have a beautiful homemade bracelet!bracelet from a bottle (8)bracelet from bottle (9)  Check out other DIY bracelet ideas: here's a paper one and here's a wooden one.bracelet with own hands (1) 

