How to make a volumetric Pelleas Box using origami. The lesson is free.

How to make a volumetric Pelleas Box using origami. The lesson is free.

Modern assembly of volumetric objects helpstake a look at the new world of origami technologies from a completely new angle. For example, volumetric origami crafts can be used not only for decoration and beautiful gifts, but also for developing your own qualities in work. In this case, the hero of our volumetric origami in this article will be a special PElleas Box, which was invented by Peter Keller. Such a box has a very diverse appearance and will be able to appear before its hero in a special tradition of beauty. Thanks to modern schemes, Pelleas Box includes modern origami possibilities and allows you to decorate any gift, festive table with a beautiful and volumetric object.How to make a volumetric Pelleas Box using origami. Lesson is free .. Picture №1In order to assemble such a boxpaper, you will need various materials: 1. This is a hexagon, which will consist of fairly thick paper. Such a hexagon must be painted in different colors on both sides. To do this, you need to take special origami paper for assembling such models. At first, you can take a simple square and independently design a regular hexagon with it. 2. You will also need free time. Ideally, when you fully master this topic, you will learn how to assemble such a box in 10-20 minutes of your time.How to make a volumetric Pelleas Box using origami. The lesson is free .. Фото №2Of course, make paper for collecting similarmodels can be made by independently manipulating ordinary paper. To do this, it will be enough to use watercolor paint, which perfectly conveys the saturation of color and paint the surface of the paper in the color you need. In this case, purple-burgundy shades are used. To complete the work, you may also need a special skewer made of wood. It will help to draw out the internal folds of the paper, which will help to form the necessary volumetric shape for the appearance of your box. To study such a scheme in detail, you will have to learn with the help of a video made by origami master - Sarah Adams, which describes in detail the use of this technique and aspects of using modern knowledge to implement such a box. Study and make volumetric origami yourself!

