How to make a card will show our detailed master-class with a photo. Original greeting cards will always be an appropriate addition to the gift for any holiday.

How to make a card will show our detailed master-class with a photo. Original greeting cards will always be an appropriate addition to the gift for any holiday.

A product made with love by hand hasspecial value. If you are wondering what surprise to give your mother, grandmother, girlfriend for some holiday, then a unique postcard with red roses is a great option. Such an original postcard will also be an appropriate addition to a gift for any holiday, anniversary, event.How to make a card will show our detailed master-class with a photo. Original greeting cards will always be an appropriate addition to the gift for any holiday .. Photo №1It is carried out quite simply, since it is notrequires special knowledge and the use of complex techniques. On a green background, red roses intertwined through a white lattice look very rich and beautiful. Anyone can make such a postcard without using special materials. We present a master class on making a very beautiful and delicate postcard with roses with your own hands. For the postcard you need to prepare:

  • A4 cardboard of green color;
  • white cardboard;
  • foamed double-sided adhesive tape;
  • two-color colored paper of two red shades;
  • Quilling paper or double-sided colored paper of green color;
  • glue;
  • knitting needles for thin knitting;
  • scissors for small parts;
  • a quilling tool or a toothpick.

Fold a green sheet of A4 cardboard in halfand we get a ready base for our postcard. We take white cardboard and cut strips no more than 3 mm thick and 7.5 cm long. We need six of these strips.How to make a card will show our detailed master-class with a photo. Original greeting cards will always be an appropriate addition to the gift for any holiday .. Photo # 2Cut the foam tape into small squaresno more than 3 mm wide, since white cardboard strips will be attached to it (or we can use ready-made squares of foam tape). At the intersections, we attach squares of foam double-sided tape and attach the strips together as in the photo.How to make a card will show our detailed master-class with a photo. Original greeting cards will always be an appropriate addition to the gift for any holiday .. Picture №3This is what you get: a window like this.How to make a card will show our detailed master-class with a photo. Original greeting cards will always be an appropriate addition to the gift for any holiday .. Photo # 4From double-sided colored paper in shades of redcut out squares of different sizes (the side of the square should be from 5 to 7 cm). Then, using small scissors, cut out a spiral, the edges of which should be wavy. This is necessary so that the rose looks as natural as possible.How to make a card will show our detailed master-class with a photo. Original greeting cards will always be an appropriate addition to the gift for any holiday .. Picture №5Using a quilling tool, we twistspiral. If you don't have a special tool, you can use a regular toothpick, which is great for winding paper. Start from the outside of the spiral.How to make a card will show our detailed master-class with a photo. Original greeting cards will always be an appropriate addition to the gift for any holiday .. Photo # 6The result is a detail similar to the one in the photo.How to make a card will show our detailed master-class with a photo. Original greeting cards will always be an appropriate addition to the gift for any holiday .. Picture №7It needs to be coated with glue.How to make a card will show our detailed master-class with a photo. Original greeting cards will always be an appropriate addition to the gift for any holiday .. Photo # 8Then form a beautifully shaped rose and secure it with your fingers, waiting a little while for it to dry. This is necessary so that the rose does not “fall apart”.How to make a card will show our detailed master-class with a photo. Original greeting cards will always be an appropriate addition to the gift for any holiday .. Picture №9Thus, you should get five roses of different sizes and different shades of red.How to make a card will show our detailed master-class with a photo. Original greeting cards will always be an appropriate addition to the gift for any holiday .. Picture №10Take a thin knitting needle and paper forgreen quilling. If you don't have quilling paper, you can take regular double-sided colored paper and cut a strip 3 mm wide and 40 cm long. Tightly wind the strip of green paper onto a knitting needle.How to make a card will show our detailed master-class with a photo. Original greeting cards will always be an appropriate addition to the gift for any holiday .. Photo №11Then carefully remove the spiral from the knitting needle.How to make a card will show our detailed master-class with a photo. Original greeting cards will always be an appropriate addition to the gift for any holiday .. Photo # 12We take the finished white window and attach the edge of the green spiral to the back side using glue.How to make a card will show our detailed master-class with a photo. Original greeting cards will always be an appropriate addition to the gift for any holiday .. Photo №13Now we thread the green spiral as in the photo.How to make a card will show our detailed master-class with a photo. Original greeting cards will always be an appropriate addition to the gift for any holiday .. Photo №14 How to make a card will show our detailed master-class with a photo. Original greeting cards will always be an appropriate addition to the gift for any holiday .. Photo №15In places where it joins the window, you should secure the spiral with glue so that it is securely fixed. From a green strip of paper, we form a roll using a toothpick or a quilling tool.How to make a card will show our detailed master-class with a photo. Original greeting cards will always be an appropriate addition to the gift for any holiday .. Photo # 16We unravel the roll a little and fix the edge with glue.How to make a card will show our detailed master-class with a photo. Original greeting cards will always be an appropriate addition to the gift for any holiday .. Photo №17Then we give the finished rolls the shape of a leaf. You will need seven of these parts. When all the parts are ready, we begin to attach them to the base.How to make a card will show our detailed master-class with a photo. Original greeting cards will always be an appropriate addition to the gift for any holiday .. Photo №18We apply glue to the finished window on the back side and attach it to the base in the center closer to the top of the base.How to make a card will show our detailed master-class with a photo. Original greeting cards will always be an appropriate addition to the gift for any holiday .. Photo №19We spread glue on the rose.How to make a card will show our detailed master-class with a photo. Original greeting cards will always be an appropriate addition to the gift for any holiday .. Photo # 20We attach them to the window. You can attach the roses as in the photo or come up with another way to arrange them on the window.How to make a card will show our detailed master-class with a photo. Original greeting cards will always be an appropriate addition to the gift for any holiday .. Photo # 21We apply glue to the leaf-shaped part and also attach it.How to make a card will show our detailed master-class with a photo. Original greeting cards will always be an appropriate addition to the gift for any holiday .. Photo # 22We fasten all the other parts in the same way.How to make a card will show our detailed master-class with a photo. Original greeting cards will always be an appropriate addition to the gift for any holiday .. Photo # 23An original and very beautiful handmade postcard is ready!How to make a card will show our detailed master-class with a photo. Original greeting cards will always be an appropriate addition to the gift for any holiday .. Photo №1 How to make a card will show our detailed master-class with a photo. Original greeting cards will always be an appropriate addition to the gift for any holiday .. Picture №25 How to make a card will show our detailed master-class with a photo. Original greeting cards will always be an appropriate addition to the gift for any holiday .. Photo # 26

