How to make a cube of paper in the origami technique according to the finished scheme.

How to make a cube of paper in the origami technique according to the finished scheme.

Have you ever wondered how to make a cube out ofpaper and why is it needed? Let's say we will tell you and even show you how to make a cardboard cube yourself. And what useful functions will you give the origami cube? We will give you a hint: remember your childhood cubes with letters, from which you learned to put together your first words, not yet knowing how to write. And if you glue pictures from old children's books to a paper cube, you will get a puzzle-constructor no less interesting than in our distant childhood.Three-dimensional cube made of paper or paperboardVariants of game use of a cube made of coloredpaper is countless. And you won't have to worry about your kids hurting each other while throwing such a toy. Our wooden ones were heavier. We're ready to show you how to make a paper cube with your own hands right now. Ready to get started?

Simple paper cube

A 3D volumetric hexagonal cube is made ofsquare sheet of paper without glue. And you won't even need scissors here. Unless you cut off the extra "tail" from the A4 sheet to get a square blank. But the skill of inflating balloons will come in handy, because now we will teach you how to make an inflatable cube. Intrigued? Then let's get started:How to fold a cube of paper with your own hands

  • Scheme 1 is your visual reference. It should be resorted to each time the folding algorithm seems complicated. Take a paper box and fold it on the diagonals, then in half - all this is just a markup;
  • Orienting the diagonals-folds, formTriangle, bending inside the lateral planes of the workpiece (see diagram). 4 of the walking corners at the base of the triangle, it is necessary to bend to the top 2 on each side of the workpiece;
  • Lateral opposite corners bend to the center- You have a vertical axis here. Repeat the action on the other side. The walking corners of one of the conical projections (at the second corners are "closed") are bent twice, so that they can be carefully tucked into the middle corners-pockets;
  • Similarly, double-fold the corners into the pockets on the back of the workpiece. The model of the cube is ready, it remains to give it volume. Find the open corner and through it blow out the layout.

Cube of modules: a prefabricated cube of 6 colors

How to make a cardboard cube yourselfalready discussed above, and for this modular cube, multi-colored paper of 6 colors (or 3 repeating) will be enough. It will turn out to be quite dense even without cardboard due to the algorithm for folding the modules (each separately and all together). Let's start to figure it out step by step. We will warn you right away that the whole process will be divided into 7 steps - folding the modules and assembling the cube (you can use glue - it will be stronger). Some time will be spent, but the result will definitely please you: the cubes will be bright, multi-colored, not needing additional decorations or painting.Origami cube of paper

  • Take a square piece of paper and fold itSo that the visible division is obtained in 4 identical rectangular planes (see Figure 2). Fold the small corners along the diagonal corners of the starting square;
  • Wrap the "leaf" of the sheet like a closureWindow shutters. Using the landmarks-corners (bent earlier), bend inside the previously unused corners, then refill them on both sides. A parallelogram is obtained;
  • Turn the structure upside down, bend the corners to yourself so that a small square with triangular ears-bends turns out. Make 5 more. Such modules.

Connect the blocks into a cube by inserting the corners of the modules intomiddle planes-pockets of adjacent blocks. Be resourceful, in extreme cases a diagram will help. How to make an origami cube from bright modules, you have mastered in practice. Try to glue a cube from blocks at the assembly stage so that it is even stronger and does not fall apart into modules in the game. You can, of course, take a standard cube layout, just print it out and glue it - ready-made templates are always at hand. And if the standard pattern does not suit you and you need an original counting cube for the game, you can fold it yourself in no time. What is easier when you know how to make even more intricacies out of paper. Perhaps you will be interested in folding patterns for a paper fortune teller or a frog that opens its mouth.Let's make a lot of paper cubes!

