How to make an Easter Quilling yourself? Easter egg and basket
DIY Easter Basket and Eggs
On the day when most of the country comes to a standstillwith the cry of "Christ is Risen", and in response comes "Truly He is Risen", there is only a desire to receive as much good as possible and share it with the whole world. That is why Easter eggs were invented, as well as baskets, with the help of which we can receive good from God and share it with others. Today we will teach you how to create your own gifts and souvenirs for loved ones, with the help of which you can do your own good. We will take two key items as the basis of our craft: an Easter basket and an Easter egg. Each of them is not particularly difficult to implement, you need to have several quilling tools on hand, as well as the desire to follow the instructions. Such eggs can be given as a gift to your acquaintances, friends, relatives and family. The basket will be a convenient means for storing your food for a picnic or a container for food for a church service.
- Box
- Whatman
- Quilling paper
- Scissors
- Glue
- Quilling tool
Making an Easter basket
To create an Easter egg we will needa special round box (from under cheese), or from under a cake. You need to take such a box in your hands and glue it with a strip of Whatman paper 2.5-3 centimeters wide. Then, using a strip of Whatman paper, make a special handle with which you will carry your basket. The box should be of a single color and not attract too much attention to itself with its shape. The strip-handle can also be secured with auxiliary elements, for example, a ribbon. You can decorate it with an ornament or using a lace element.
Frame and design
But this is only the frame of our future product.Next, we will need to decorate it with the help of auxiliary resources. In this case, the best options for decoration are: form modules. There can be an infinite number of such modules, they can alternate and vice versa, look somewhat seeded. But we recommend making a symmetrical box so that it looks more aesthetically pleasing. Drop, Rhombus and Circle - this is an excellent solution for blanks in this case. They should be approximately the same size and diameter. We glue them to the base of our Easter basket. The work is done!
Basket Decoration
Next, we decorate the basket usingauxiliary elements. Take green paper and cut small strips of grass. It is desirable that the paper be double-sided. Next, twist the washers using quilling paper. To do this, it is enough to take 15 to 20 strips of paper. The washer is half of our egg. Next, take the next washer and then connect them with glue. The middle line at the junction of the two washers is connected with a strip of paper. Easter eggs can be decorated in a variety of colors, or color mixes. Thanks to the range of options, this is extremely easy to do. Now, you just need to put all this in our Easter basket, and here is a whole souvenir set ready! It can also be decorated and given to someone close to you! DIY Easter basket and eggs!