How to make a flower arrangement in the technique of quilling for a postcard? Master Class

How to make a flower arrangement in the technique of quilling for a postcard? Master Class

You need to make a beautiful postcard andpreferably, with the help of quilling? No problem. To your attention is a simple and full-fledged lesson in creating a mock-card with your own hands. The idea is original, but requires patience, because there are certain subtleties of creation. How to make a flower arrangement in the technique of quilling for a postcard? Master Class. Photo №1

How to make a flower arrangement in the technique of quilling for a postcard? Master Class

How to make a flower arrangement in the technique of quilling for a postcard? Master Class. Photo # 2 So, we need some materials that will help you quickly make the necessary tasks:

  • We take leaves in width of 5 mm (stripes)
  • We take glue PVa
  • We take toothpicks - tools for work
  • You will need tweezers to process quilling paper
  • Scissors will be needed for cutting paper
  • Need a ruler and a pencil

How to make a flower arrangement in the technique of quilling for a postcard? Master Class. Picture №3 Basis of works So, for the basis of the picture, we takeordinary cardboard paper with a dense base. To begin with, we need to prepare various forms of quilling paper to decorate the flower for our postcard. The forms of our paper can be very different. There are closed and open forms. There are no restrictions in this respect, you can fix it with glue, you can without it. First, take a strip of white paper with two fingers. Then, slightly pull the material and bend its end. After that, we put an instrument on it, or toothpicks. We begin the process of twisting our stripes to make the stitches inside the product dense. How to make a flower arrangement in the technique of quilling for a postcard? Master Class. Photo №4 How to make a flower arrangement in the technique of quilling for a postcard? Master Class. Photo №5 Preparing materials To remove the workpiece from theyou need to rotate the tool. We cut two-color paper in strips on width of 5 millimeters. We use a clerical knife to process several leaves at the same time. Quilling paper can also be bought, this is a higher priority. This is due to the fact that manual work is always worse in monotony than machine. How to make a flower arrangement in the technique of quilling for a postcard? Master Class. Photo №6 How to make a flower arrangement in the technique of quilling for a postcard? Master Class. Photo №7 Forming the Roll Next, we form a roll -a strip of paper that is rolled into a roll. After it is twisted, we will get the workpiece element. After this, while supporting the ring with the help of fingers, we spread it and fix it with the help of an external tip. We make similar blanks in the amount of six pieces to make petals flower. One yellow version - in order to decorate the core. You will also need two green options for the sheets. How to make a flower arrangement in the technique of quilling for a postcard? Master Class. Photo №8 How to make a flower arrangement in the technique of quilling for a postcard? Master Class. Photo Number 9 Preparing the compositionbillets. For them, we squeeze the edges with the fingers in the right sides and set the shape to get the elements of the "leaflet", "droplets", "crescent", or other figure, which is preferable. The leaves must have shapes (stretched out and stand out.) Green leaflets are made according to our photos. How to make a flower arrangement in the technique of quilling for a postcard? Master Class. Picture №10 After, we place the blanks on the cardboard base andCircle with a pencil. We take the finished piece of the composition and place it on postcards. It is necessary to glue the petals to the flower to fix them with the middle. also do and with the middle. We fix it. The stem can be decorated with paper strips. We glue them, we pre-place them. The adhesive is allowed to dry. Glue use not much. You should get a full composition! How to make a flower arrangement in the technique of quilling for a postcard? Master Class. Photo Number 11

