How to make flowers from toys for a gift. Tips and Tutorials for free.
Many people try to diversify their giftsand make more pleasant presents, even from the most ordinary things. Quite recently, a unique and newfangled trend has appeared to make standard gifts in an unconventional way. And so this opportunity appeared. Many girls love flowers. And giving flowers is somewhat banal and sometimes not even very resourceful. But even such a gift as flowers can be decorated in a variety of ways and get completely new opportunities for implementation. For example, flowers from toys have become a popular gift, which can be realized with your own hands and get the most interesting ideas as a good arsenal of gifts. This idea is suitable both for your own ideas and for implementing a business in a floristry shop.Making bouquets from plush toys hasits own subtleties. However, you may find absolutely different soft toys useful. Both hand-made toys and those bought in a store will do. You can use a more modern idea. For example, you can decorate a bouquet not only with regular toys, but also with musical and interesting toys made by hand. In order to make the base of the bouquet, you may need dense foam board or polystyrene foam, which are great for solving this problem. In addition, cardboard may also be suitable, which is great as a frame for a bouquet of toys. And yet, attaching toys to cardboard will be much more difficult than to foam plastic or a stronger material. This is due to the fact that the cardboard will bend under the weight of the toys.
Next, you need to take a piece of foam board andCut out a circle, the diameter should be large enough for each toy that will be in the bouquet to fit inside the foam base. The top of the base should remain flat, but the bottom should be shaped and cut into a cone. After the base is prepared, you need to start making the handle. It can be made using a plastic pipe or an aluminum pipe. In addition, cardboard that has been rolled into a tube and wrapped with tape can be suitable. A glossy platform from a magazine can also be suitable.
As a result, you will see a very unique andan interesting idea that can be implemented according to your own ideas. In most cases, a bouquet of toys is a unique and quite interesting gift that will touch many. It is quite simple to make, and the methods of implementation for such a bouquet are quite simple. Use modern ideas and create your own bouquets of flowers.