How to make kanzash flowers from ribbons with your own hands with photo and description.

How to make kanzash flowers from ribbons with your own hands with photo and description.

Modern fashionistas who strive to dress upstylish and impressive, have already paid attention to such an elegant accessory as kanzashi. However, they can be considered a novelty only in European culture. In Japan, hair ornaments that were always worn with kimono were called this way since the 18th century. It was in this century that the fashion for styling hair with a comb and a significant number of hairpins appeared in the Land of the Rising Sun. Kanzashi not only perfectly complemented women's outfits, which in their beauty were close to a work of art, but also reported on the state of their owners, testified to their marital status and generally characterized the owner. It happened that kanzashi exceeded the price of a kimono in price. Over the centuries, kanzashi evolved into several types, but in our country the most popular can be recognized as exclusively hana-kanzashi - an ornament made in the shape of flowers.Bright Kanzash flowers made from ribbons created by own hands. Photo №1Traditionally, this type of kanzashi is made fromsquare pieces of silk that are rolled up with tweezers using the "tsumami" technique. One petal is formed from one piece of silk. They are then folded using rice glue or gathered on a silk thread. The creation of traditional kanzashi by Japanese craftsmen takes a significant amount of time. However, this should not be an obstacle for you, because to create simple flowers, anyone who wants to can just have patience and the appropriate materials and tools: A lighter or a candle;

  • tweezers;
  • glue;
  • tape made of satin, cut with squares;
  • several beads;
  • Needle;
  • Pins;
  • Threads of the same shade as the ribbon.

A little tip: you should start with larger kanzashi petals - about 50x50 millimeters. Once you have mastered this technique, you can move on to smaller petals.Bright Kanzash flowers made from ribbons created by own hands. Photo # 2There are 2 main types used in the kanzashi techniquepetals: with a sharp tip and a rounded one. Create a sharp petal. Take a square of ribbon and fold it in half diagonally, then in half a second time, and again in half.Bright Kanzash flowers made from ribbons created by own hands. Picture №3As a result, you will have one several times largerfolded, triangle. Next, the sharp corner of the triangle, where the ends of the fabric meet, needs to be singe on the flame of a lighter and pressed with your fingers in order to fasten everything as needed. The more blunt corner of the triangle should be slightly trimmed and similarly "soldered". Trimming should be done in accordance with the desired thickness of the petal. Such petal blanks are made in quantities of several pieces. Then they are collected on a thread and a flower is obtained. Finally, the empty center is masked with a bead or button, which is glued. And the flower is ready!Bright Kanzash flowers made from ribbons created by own hands. Photo №4Let's create a rounded petal.The beginning here is similar: fold the square in half. Then the sharp corners of the triangle are pulled to the more rounded one and "soldered". Again, you get a square. Now the workpiece is turned over with the "soldered" corner down, the side corners are pulled to the central part of the square and "soldered".Bright Kanzash flowers made from ribbons created by own hands. Photo №5The workpiece is folded in half, then turned over and the petal is straightened. After you have made the required number of petals, you can assemble the flower.Bright Kanzash flowers made from ribbons created by own hands. Photo №6When you become more powerful in the kanzashi technique,you will be able to move on to creating complex flowers: with two-color petals and multi-tiered. However, there are also some nuances here. We recommend that you print out a photo of a kanzashi flower in advance, or draw it, in order to have an exact idea of ​​how many petals and what shade you will need. Such kanzashi flowers will decorate any hair accessory. It can be a hair clip, a headband, a hairpin, an elastic band, and even a comb. If you slightly open the flower with simple hairspray, it will last twice as long. Be bold and create unique kanzashi flowers!

