How to make a beautiful two-tone pattern for autumn clothes? Master Class

How to make a beautiful two-tone pattern for autumn clothes? Master Class

This pattern option is great for knitting.clothes that will be used in the autumn period. Thus, creating a hat and scarf with your own hands will not be a problem. We offer a color option in two colors - red and gray. We use these parameters to start sewing.

How to make a beautiful two-tone pattern for autumn clothes? Master Class

How to make a beautiful two-tone pattern for autumn clothes? Master Class. Photo №1The pattern diagram will be attached below. Also attached is a special instruction that will help you quickly and as accurately as possible depict the pattern for implementation in any clothing. How to implement the pattern?How to make a beautiful two-tone pattern for autumn clothes? Master Class. Photo # 2To create the pattern we will need columns.without a yarn over, as well as air loops. We will knit the columns in the air loop arch for the previous row. You can change the color at each beginning of an odd row. In the sample, we dial the number of loops in an odd form. The pattern needs a rapport, its scheme is in two loops + 1 loop so that there is symmetry. Also add two lifting loops. We knit the first row (red color). To do this, we use two lifting loops and one single crochet, then skip one loop on the chain and make an air loop, then 1 single crochet. For the second row (gray color), we make another lifting loop, and also implement one air loop, then we make one single crochet for the arch in the air loop for the previous rows. We continue to knit rowsHow to make a beautiful two-tone pattern for autumn clothes? Master Class. Picture №3The third row is knitted in red.For it, we use one lifting loop and then one single crochet in the air loop arch in the previous row. Then - one air loop and one single crochet for the air loop arch in the previous row. For the fourth row, we do it in red. Then, we use one lifting loop and one air loop, after - one single crochet for the air loop arch of the previous row, one air loop. The fifth row is done in gray. We use one lifting loop, then 1 single crochet for the air loop arch in the previous row. Then - one air loop and one single crochet for the air loop arch in the previous row. Then, we also do the sixth row in gray with one lifting loop and one air loop. Then we use one single crochet for the air loop arch in the previous row, after - one air loop. This pattern must be repeated from every third row. ResultsHow to make a beautiful two-tone pattern for autumn clothes? Master Class. Photo №4Here is an example of a simple ear pattern based on a two-color pattern.

