Weaving three-dimensional animal figures from beads –It’s a fascinating activity, and simple patterns make it accessible even to novice needlewomen. One of the most popular options is a beaded crocodile; you can make it in literally 20-30 minutes.
Materials for work
To make a small crocodile-shaped keychain you will need:
Beads. Try to use several colors, for example: green, light green, light and dark yellow. Do not forget to cook a pair of dark beads - they will become eyes.
A line or thin copper wire - as a basis.
Needles for beads. You can do without them, if you use a wire or a thick enough line.
In addition to the basic items, you will need scissors and containers from which it will be more convenient for you to take beads.
Scheme of weaving of the crocodile
Crafts in the shape of a crocodile are madeparallel weaving method. To make the figure voluminous, you should put beads on the fishing line for both the lower and upper parts of one row at the same time, and then connect them into a ring, pulling the fishing line through all the beads intended for the lower part of the row. Using two colors will help avoid confusion and make the craft more interesting. If you start creating a model from the tail and use green for the back of the crocodile, and light yellow for the tummy, the weaving sequence will be as follows:
Type 6 beads - three green and three light yellow, move them to the middle of the line (wire).
Through light yellow, draw one of the ends of the line so that it goes towards the second, and tighten. You will see that three green beads were over the yellow, forming a ring.
Repeat the first two paragraphs a few more times, observing the symmetry. The green row should always be above the yellow.
Adding to the ranks the required number of beads byscheme, continue to weave up to the row with the paws. For example, you can get: three rows of three beads, two - four, one row with 6-9 beads.
To weave simple paws, dial onethe free end of the line (wire) nine green beads, through the first two of them return the same end of the line (wire) back to the main structure.
Weave another paw at the opposite end.
Continue the weaving according to the scheme. Make 5-6 rows of 10 beads (10 green for the top and 10 light yellow for the bottom).
Now you need to make two more paws.
When the craft has all four limbs, weave one row of nine beads, and then one of the eight - it will become the neck of the animal.
In the next after the "neck" series should be addedeyes of the crocodile: string consistently three green, one black, one green, one black, three green beads. The lower part of the series will consist of nine light yellow beads.
Finish the weaving according to the scheme. You will get one row in descending order from eight to three and finally 2 beads.
Be sure to tighten both ends of the fishing line (wire) before securing it.
Open mouth variant
You can make the crocodile more natural and original by slightly modifying the craft scheme as follows:
- After you finished weaving the trunk, insert another wire into the bottom row, which was a tummy.
- First, add the upper part of the head (only green beads), then the lower (light yellow) on the wire just inserted.
This maneuver can only be done when using wire; the fishing line will not hold its shape.
Helpful Tips
Weaving a crocodile according to the pattern is not a difficult task, but it is important to take into account some nuances:
Calculate the length of the wire (line) in advance. If it turns out to be short, you'll have to dismiss everything and start again.
It is better to start the weaving from the bow, so that the final knot does not ruin the whole appearance of the product. But this is only relevant if you are not going to weave a model with an opening mouth.
To make a key chain, you can weave an eyelet forfastening on the key is also made of beads. To do this, after finishing work on the main figure, continue to string the beads and close the resulting line in the ring through the last row in the diagram. It is better to pass the wire through such a ring several times to strengthen the structure.
If the beads are of different sizes, then you can add one or more rows to one row, so that the same width is obtained in the end.
There are two ways to use a beaded crocodile for decoration: put it on your stomach or put it on its legs if it was woven from wire.