How to make original and unusual crafts from boxes. Fresh, unique ideas for making hand-made articles by own hands

How to make original and unusual crafts from boxes. Fresh, unique ideas for making hand-made articles by own hands

Empty boxes are available, in practice, in eachhouse. As a rule, they are dusting somewhere in the cupboards, waiting for their hour, which, as a rule, never comes, and they are simply thrown out. And in vain! After all, this material produces amazing, for its beauty handicrafts. It is only necessary to connect creativity and show a little perseverance. How to make original and unusual crafts from boxes. Fresh, unique ideas for making hand-made articles. Photo №1 Cardboard boxes are very versatilematerial from which you can build anything. So, for example, from a combination of small and large boxes, you can get a pretty house that, after a little decoration, can become a real decoration of a home interior. As you know, children are very fond of fantasizing. Sometimes they can turn any object that is at their fingertips into the things they need. For example, a juice box can replace a chest, and a folded newspaper - a telescope. So why not take advantage of this and play along with your child? Engaged in the manufacture of crafts withchild, you give each finished product more realism. Did you already make a doll house? Now it's time to equip it with furniture. So, for example, if you take a small box, say from baby food, foil, scissors, straws and food film, you can make an almost exact copy of the washing machine or cabinet. The exact instructions as they are made do not exist. The only thing that plays a role - your fantasies and desires. Large size candy boxes can be turned into original paintings. Do you need to paste them with some variegated paper, which, for sure, there is in every house and everything - the pictures are ready. Despite the seeming simplicity, such handicrafts look pretty good, especially if you pick up a suitable place for them. A deep box of sweets, you can wrap it with white paper, paint it and use it as a box for trinkets. Excellent crafts are obtained even from under the eggtrays. It's just an indispensable material for making homemade Christmas toys. It is enough to cut off the tops of the box, paint them in bright colors and that's all! The toys are ready! Fresh, simple and quite unusual, while your child will be extremely pleased with such new creations. Or you can make unusual flowers from the same trays: Here are such original flowers for the unusualdecor at us have turned out from usual cells from under eggs! Remember - if you are keen on making crafts from boxes, do not forget to involve children in this activity. This will contribute to the development of children's logical thinking and fine motor skills of the hands. Good luck in your endeavors !!!

