How to make a stained glass painting. Step-by-step instruction, the algorithm of actions and materials of stained glass mural by oneself.

How to make a stained glass painting. Step-by-step instruction, the algorithm of actions and materials of stained glass mural by oneself.

С давних времен витражная роспись была творением art. It fascinated everyone who could see it. But now in order to see stained glass painting it is not necessary to go to a museum or a church, moreover, with the help of this article you will be able to create this miracle yourself, at home. You can make stained glass painting not only on a square sheet of glass and hang it like a picture in the room, you have the opportunity to decorate a glass door that is boring with its monotony, or even an internal window in the nursery.How to make a stained-glass painting. A step-by-step instruction, an algorithm of actions and materials of stained-glass painting by oneself. Photo # 1To make stained glass windows, it is not at allYou must be an artist, or even have some drawing skills, the drawing for painting can be taken from an old children's coloring book or printed on a printer. You can buy everything you need for stained glass painting in any art store.


  • The glass that you are going to paint;
  • Paints for stained-glass paintings (do not take all the colors at once, take a few basic colors, and then make the ones that you need by mixing the colors);
  • Circuit; With the color of the circuit will be better definedin advance. For example, if the elements are rough and angular, the black contour is best. But choosing the outline also needs to take into account your experience in painting the glass. If you are a beginner, it is best to take a gold or silver contour they will be less noticeable on the glass and flaws, such as the curvature of the line, will not be noticeable.
  • Vata, disposable gloves, alcohol and cotton buds. You can get this kit from any pharmacy, so that it can be accurate.
  • Thinner of paints (depending on themselvescolors that you have chosen, some paints are bred simply by water, it is better to ask about it in the art shop where you will buy them)
  • Brushes of different thicknesses.

Any stained glass painting requires careful preparation for the process of painting on glass.

Stained glass stages:

  • To begin with, you need to define yourselfdrawing, not only with its shape, but also with its color, in order to choose colors in an art shop you were not a bewildered sheep and did not take everything that you give to the unhappy sellers who are not understanding the buyer.
  • Next you need to go and buy everything you need to work (if you have any materials for stained glass at home, you need to buy only what is not)
  • Now you need to prepare the glass itself. This process is no less important than the process of painting, because if the glass is poorly prepared, you can cause yourself some injuries or spoil the whole picture.
  • When the glass is ready to worry about yourworkplace, even if you are a very careful person, the table on which you will create is best covered with something. (a polyethylene film, an old cloth, a newspaper). The glass itself can not be placed on a very hard surface, otherwise under the press it can simply burst, under it you need to put a cloth folded several times or something like that.
  • When the above can be done,directly to the painting itself, which itself, in itself, also consists of several stages, which we will discuss later. It is worth saying that you need to prepare everything in advance, so that during the process of making stained glass windows, do not be distracted by not doing things (looking for brushes, cotton buds or something else).
  • Sketch.The sketch can be drawn by you, taken from a children's drawing, transferred from a photograph or printed on a printer. Glass preparation. As we have already said, the stage of glass preparation is one of the most important stages of the entire process. Before drawing, we need to completely clean the glass from greasy stains (after this, you will work in gloves so that new stains do not appear) and make the glass safe.

  • Sand the edge of the sandpaper glass. This point concerns not so much the result as the safety precautions. But they should not be neglected. The probability of leaving cuts with rough glass is very high.
  • Rinse the glass well with water, do not use the washing agent, (not every paint reacts equally to its chemical composition).
  • Wipe the glass dry (but only if the towel you are rubbing the glass does not leave a pile behind you, otherwise it is better to wait until the glass dries itself).
  • Rub the glass with alcohol.
  • Put it on the table, after putting a piece of cloth in there, so that the surface is not too hard and a sketch.
  • Do not forget to wear gloves to avoid leaving greasy prints on the glass during operation. Gloves can take a few pairs and during work change them if the previous pair is dirty in the paint.
  • Glass paintingHow to make a stained glass painting. A step-by-step instruction, an algorithm of actions and materials of stained-glass painting by one's own hands .. Photo # 2

  • It is necessary to draw a contour. Very important is the fact that the contour must be connected in all places of the pattern, otherwise the paint will simply flow out and spoil the whole stained glass. Before you start, you must completely determine the color of the outline, you can not change it during the process. It is equally important to correctly calculate the distance from the tube to the glass, the thickness of the contour depends on this. If the contour is too thick, the drawing will turn out ugly, because all the flaws will be on the face. If a line fails to wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.
  • When your contour is applied, you can proceedthe painting itself. Take the brush and damp it in the paint of the color that you have chosen and diluted with the solvent, the consistency of the paint should be such that the palette itself spreads into the cell that you created with the outline. Here you can do what your soul desires. In one cell there can be colors of different shades, depending on the pattern that you have chosen. You can make highlights and create your own masterpiece.
  • How to make a stained glass painting. A step-by-step instruction, an algorithm of actions and materials of stained-glass mural by oneself. Picture №3

