How to make an origami swan with paper. with my own hands and for free.

How to make an origami swan with paper. with my own hands and for free.

Origami swan - this is very originalgift. Especially if you use multi-colored origami modules, which can help recreate an artificial swan to decorate your home. Such a swan is also great as a decoration for a present to your close friend. At the same time, creating such a swan is not so much a difficult task as a very long one. It is for these reasons that the implementation can take a certain amount of time and, accordingly, cause some difficulties. Our article will help you ease your work and simplify the creation process as much as possible.How to make an origami swan with paper. with my own hands and for free .. Picture №1The Chinese were the first to use this technology.They were the ones who came up with the technique of triangular modules that are suitable for origami. Such a composition can be formed from many different identical elements, those same modules. One module takes up one sheet of paper, and then, when the modules are completely ready - they are connected by folding into each other. Moreover, you can assemble such a swan without using adhesives. Due to the friction force, they will be fixed quite securely, however, you can still fix these modules with glue, for reliability. In order to make modular origami, you need to prepare the necessary rectangles from an A4 sheet. A prerequisite is the same size of these rectangles. 1. You need to put the rectangle so that it lies with the back side to you.How to make an origami swan with paper. with my hands and for free .. Picture number 22. You need to bend and unbend to create a line in the middle of the rectangle.How to make an origami swan with paper. with my hands and for free .. Picture №33. It is necessary to bend the edges so that they fall into the middle.How to make an origami swan with paper. with my hands and for free .. Picture №44. Next, you need to turn the workpiece over to continue working with it.How to make an origami swan with paper. with my hands and for free .. Picture №55. Then, you should bend the corners of your future module. Note that between the elements of the upper triangle and the folded triangle, you need to leave a small gap.How to make an origami swan with paper. with my own hands and for free .. Picture №66. Then, you need to lift the edges up in order to outline the shape.How to make an origami swan with paper. with my own hands and for free .. Picture №77. Next, everything is very simple, you need to fold the origami triangle.How to make an origami swan with paper. with my hands and for free .. Picture №88. The module that you get will have two corners and two pockets at the same time.How to make an origami swan with paper. with my hands and for free .. Picture №9Then, these modules need to be fastened togetheryourself to create the necessary shape. Your A4 paper should be repainted, or buy multi-colored sheets of paper to create a beautiful, multi-colored swan. Then, these molds, or rather modules, will need to be fastened together to get the desired result.How to make an origami swan with paper. with my hands and for free .. Picture №10The shapes will have a great look and, accordingly, each expressive feature of the swan will look completely different, thanks to the multi-colored modules.How to make an origami swan with paper. with my own hands and for free .. Picture №11As a result, your work is completely done, and the material you work with can become an excellent gift or decoration for your home for many years.

