How to make toys with your own hands? Schemes for beading of toys and trinkets in the master class
This is a unique, applied methodart, such as beading, originated in Ancient Egypt and successfully flourishes to this day. At first, it was made in the form of large opaque glass beads. Over time, the process of its processing developed, the size of the beads became smaller and smaller, and now we can see it in the form that is presented for our use. Now beads have all sorts of shapes and sizes, colors and quality. Works and products made of beads have acquired innovations characteristic of our time. Types of beading have become much more diverse and more advanced, which allows us to create not only women's jewelry and gift souvenirs, but also cute toys that delight not only children, but also adults themselves.Any needlewoman can make toys from beadsmake it yourself, using patterns for weaving such products, which can be very simple and accessible for beginner craftsmen, and more intricate and require some experience and professional skills. We suggest you make a beautiful turtle from beads, it can serve as an original toy for a child and at the same time decorate a cozy corner of your home. To make it, you will need two beading patterns, according to which we will bring this wonderful souvenir to light. We make your turtle using circular weaving, using the "canvas" technique. For weaving, you will need a fishing line and beads, the colors of which must be selected so that there are from 3 to 5 of them. The more shades of beads are used in the work, the brighter and more original the souvenir toy will be. You can weave small toys from beads in the form of various animals and make a mini zoo for your child. In this case, it is best to use the flat parallel weaving technique. The patterns for creating such game material can be very simple, so even the children themselves can try their hand at learning beadwork and get seriously carried away, creating interesting works together with their parents.
Here, for example, is a pattern for weaving a teddy bear.To make it, you will need wire (about 1m 20cm). The color of the beads can be chosen according to the wishes of the children, because it will be a cheerful menagerie, which means it is worth choosing bright and eye-catching shades of beads.
Now look at the diagram of a cute cow.Making this cow is also not difficult. How can you do without a pet cat? Two types of patterns will help you weave a small or large cat, and perhaps you will have a whole family of cats.
To make them you will need severalshades of beads and wire with a diameter of 0.33 mm. For a large bead toy, the length of the wire will be about 2.2-2.4 m, and for a small one, about 1.2-1.3 m of working wire will be needed. The creation of these cute works is also made by flat parallel weaving from beads.
Come up with and choose from a variety of types and optionstoys, it is not difficult at all. Maybe you want to make an elegant snake, which is a symbol of wisdom. When doing this work, you can do without a diagram, explanations and photo-drawings will be enough. In order to make this toy souvenir, you need to have wire, thanks to it the snake will be able to hold its shape and volume and beads, any color you choose. Two large beads that will serve as its eyes.
First, we string beads and seed beads onto the middle of the wire in the sequence shown in the photo.
Now we pick up two beads, threading them throughtwo ends of the wire. Then the wire should be tightened to make the head of the snake. We begin to weave its body. To do this, we should string three beads on each end of the wire. There are six of them in total, and through the seventh we pass the wire with the ends towards each other. We tighten.
As a result, we will get a loop.Using the same method, we form five more loops, thus weaving the snake's body. After the body, we smoothly move on to forming the tail and do this by decreasing the number of beads in the loop. If the body loops were made of seven beads, then loops of five beads will be needed for the tail. The tail of the snake will consist of four loops. Then we again decrease the loops to three beads and form four more loops. We make the end of the snake's tail from five short links.
To do this, you should string a bead on the leftend of the wire, and pass the right end through it, in a counter motion. Do this five times, tightening the wire after each stringing. Securing the work is done in the same way - passing both ends through one bead towards each other. Then we return to the penultimate link, pass the wire towards each other, tighten and cut off the excess wire. As you can see, everything is very simple and at the end of the work it remains only to give your beaded snake the appropriate shape.
Fun Toys You Will Makeinto the world with the help of beading, can be transformed into entire collections and sets. Everything will depend only on your desire and patience. They will be able to please and surprise not only your children, but also be embodied in cute souvenirs and gifts that you can give to your friends and loved ones.