How to make your own hands beautiful and original crafts using kiwing techniques and others, step-by-step photos and instructions for creating paper crafts
One of the oldest materials for craftsявляется бумага. Достаточно вспомнить необычные фигурки оригами, которые начали складывать в первых веках нашей эры. А ведь для их создания еще требовалось изобрести бумагу. О том, как она появилась на свет, существует даже не одна версия. Примерную дату, когда возникла бумага, определяют примерно первым веком н.э. Воспитатель китайского правителя Цай Лунь, стремясь найти альтернативные варианты другим материалам для письма, включающим в себя глиняные и деревянные досочки, куски кожи, пальмовые листья и папирус, мелко нарезал шелковые волокна. Масса из этих кусочков, осаженная на сите с мелкими ячейками, в одном из рукописных источников 69 года называется бумагой. Еще одна версия гласит, что датой рождения бумаги считается 105 год. Все тот же воспитатель императора экспериментировал, смешивал в кашицу обрывки старых рыбацких сетей, кусочки ткани, щепки древесного луба. Но остановился, попробовав кору тутового дерева. Он долго дробил ее молотком, а затем смешал получившиеся волокна с растительным клеем. Такая бумага получалась очень хрупкой и жесткой. Спустя шесть веков она появилась в Японии вместе с монахами буддистами. Для проповедования учения и распространения сутр требовалось много бумаги. Правивший в то время принц регент повелел выращивать шелковичные деревья не только для создания тканей, но и для производства бумаги. Работникам было предписано найти новые сырьевые добавки, чтобы сделать материал более качественным, чем китайский. Мастеровые добавляли в массу волокна других растений, древесный уголь, кипятили, промывали, и эксперименты принесли плоды. Новая бумага оказалась куда более высокого качества. Восьмой век в Японии стал настоящим бумом для бумаги. Поскольку белый цвет считался траурным, для написания религиозных текстов использовали красную, синюю и желтую бумагу. Существовало более 180 видов и вариантов. Поскольку жители Востока старались сохранить секреты производства бумаги в тайне, в Европе стали делать тряпичную бумагу. Самым старым печатным изданием из такого материала является Молитвенник Мозабара. Он датируется 11 веком, и был написан в Испании. К 15 веку тряпичная бумага распространяется по всей Европе. Появляются мельницы по ее изготовлению. В качестве сырья использовали лен и пеньку. Такая бумага была высокого качества, отличного белого цвета и превосходно сохранилась до наших дней. Потребности в бумаге росли, сырья для ее изготовления требовалось много, и в 17 веке в бумажную массу стали снова добавлять измельченную древесину, как в древности. Так в жизнь человека прочно вошла бумага из целлюлозы, которая остается востребованной, и по сей день. В этой статье мы предлагаем Вам несколько идей поделок из бумаги с фото. Создание таких изделий уже само по себе станет приятным времяпрепровождением. Многие из них можно делать вместе с детьми. Яркие и легкие вещицы станут отличным подарком или украшением для различных праздников: Нового Года, Дня рождения и др. Прежде чем приступить к созданию поделок из бумаги необходимо приготовить материалы, инструмент и рабочее место. Отнеситесь внимательно к освещению. Свет не должен падать в глаза или создавать теней на рабочей поверхности. Помпоны из бумаги This is a wonderful decoration for any holiday.will require minimal time and materials. The principle of creating pom-poms is universal. You can turn several pieces into a garland, a mobile or pendants of different colors and sizes. You will only need scissors, threads or wire and paper. It can be very different, but the best option would be thin wrapping or tissue paper. Connect your imagination. Use crafts of different colors and sizes, experiment. Materials and tools:
- Paper (use wrapping or cigarette paper);
- Ruler;
- Scissors;
- Thick thread or twine.
To make one pompom you needcut 4 paper blanks 10 x 5 cm. Stack them. Layers are needed to make the pompom fluffy. Now you need to fold the stack "accordion" across. The fold size is 5 x 2 cm. Now round off the corners of the resulting blank with scissors. Mark the middle of the wide side of the blank. Make two triangular cuts on opposite sides. Take thick threads and tie them tightly in the middle, securing the rope in the triangular cuts. Do not cut off the ends of the threads.The most interesting stage is to give our pompom volume. Carefully straighten the folded sheets of paper first on one side, then on the other. Lift the layers, forming a pompom.Now you can make a few more, hang them on one thread and decorate the room with a garland. Flower pots (cups)A composition of bright small pots is capableto enliven even the darkest corner of the house. Choose colors that suit your interior. Below are several master classes on creating paper flowers that you can plant in these pots. Materials and tools:
- Dense color paper (different shades);
- Scissors;
- Glue;
- A piece of thin ribbon.
It is very easy to make such a craft, below are step-by-step photos. For each pot, you need to cut out 3 parts: the bottom, the handle and the cup itself.Please note that the photo clearly shows thatone side of the cup is sharp. We make several such pots, insert them one into another. Glue the handles (optional). For ease of fastening this craft, it is necessary to make a loop on the back side. Cut a strip of paper equal in height to the entire structure. Now we roll a loop from the ribbon, glue it to the back wall of the topmost pot, and then glue a strip of paper on top for more secure fastening.Our cups (pots) are ready. Now all that's left is to plant flowers in them.
Flowers from paper
If you decide to make such a wonderful decorationat home, like paper flowers, you have almost endless scope for creativity. As a material for crafts, you can take old magazines, quilling paper, corrugated and colored paper, even coffee filters can turn into a wonderful flower. Flowers from coffee filtersMaterials and tools:
- Coffee filters;
- Floral wire;
- Watercolor paints;
- Floral ribbon;
- Scissors (you can take figured ones);
- Tools for working with wire (nippers, round pliers, pliers).
The splendor of the flowers will depend on the quantityfilters. You will need 4 to 8 filters for one flower. Now fold the stack of filters in half. Fold the resulting semicircle in half again. Now we have a triangle in our hands and fold it in half again. We have a blank in our hands that looks like a piece of pizza. Cut the edge with curly scissors. This will add relief to our petals. Now put some of the filters aside and shorten the rest. This will give the flowers additional volume and texture. If you have a lot of layers, you can divide the stack of filters into three parts. Now unfold all the layers and stack the smaller ones on top of the larger ones. Take a piece of wire and pierce all the layers in the center from the inside out. Pull it out almost halfway. At the end of the wire, which is on the front side, make a loop and pierce the filters with this tail back - from the front to the back side. The distance between the punctures is about 5 mm.Twist the wire loop tosecure the petals. Now each layer needs to be folded and curled with your fingers, this will make the flower lush. The smallest layers need to be lifted up with your fingers.At this stage we begin to create the stem.Use a toothpick or a wooden skewer. The length of the stem will depend on the idea. To form the sepal, you need to wind the wire around the base of the flower, attaching the stem at the same time. Now we mask the stem with floral tape.If you want flowers of different shades, you canuse water-based watercolors or even food coloring. Coffee filters absorb paint very well. This can be done before work or after you have made all the flowers. Flowers using the quilling techniqueMaterials and tools:
- Strips for quilling and colored paper;
- Scissors;
- Glue;
- Toothpick.
We cut some of the quilling strips into thin piecesblanks. Cut the second part into fringe. The thinner the fringe parts are, the more fluffy the flower will be. The width of the uncut part of the large strips should be approximately equal to the width of the narrow strips. Now glue the narrow strips to the edge of the wide ones (see photo). Spread glue on the narrow strip and the uncut part of the wide strip. Using a toothpick, roll into a tight roll, starting with the narrow strip and ending with the wide strip.Carefully bend back the fringe so that it is visible.the middle of the roll. If desired, you can cut out leaves from colored paper and bend them as in the photo. Such flowers can not only be attached to the legs and placed in a vase or pot. They will make an excellent decorative element for a postcard or topiary. Flowers from old magazinesBeautiful glossy magazines with interestingadvice, gossip about the lives of stars, photos of fashion trends and seasonal tendencies are available to almost every woman. After reading, they remain in the house as unnecessary waste paper or are sent to the dump. But from this seemingly useless material, you can make very beautiful flowers. Materials and tools:
- Magazines;
- Scissors;
- Floral ribbon;
- Wooden skewers;
- Glue.
We find several bright pages in the magazine.Carefully cut out. Now fold each of them in half with the bright side inside. Fold the edges of the halves again to the central fold line. You get a large accordion.Now we cut this accordion into fringe on the sidetwo folds. One centimeter is enough for the base. Now take a skewer and wrap its end with the cut blank. Fix the resulting flower with glue.We wrap the stem with floral tape, starting from the paper base.We give the flower even more splendor by straightening the fringe. Hyacinths from colored paperMaterials and tools:
- Two-sided colored paper (green for leaves and trunk, multicolored for petals);
- Glue;
- Scissors.
Cut the paper for the petals into 5 cm stripsin width. The length can be any. Bend one of the wide sides by about 0.7 cm. Now start cutting the paper into fringe. To speed up the process, you can put several pieces together. The width of the cutting step is about 0.5 - 0.7 cm. Straighten the folded part. Now you need to roll each strip of fringe into a tube. Do them sequentially and very carefully. Hold the base with one hand. Press the sharp edge of the scissors to the fringe strip and with a little effort move the scissors from the base to the edge of the cut. The strip will curl itself.The stem will be twisted from green paper. The strip size is 25 x 5 cm. It needs to be twisted as shown in the photo. The ends of the paper are glued so that the stem does not unfold.Apply glue to the base of the twisted blank. Do not touch the curls. Now wrap the stem in a spiral from one end with a strip with curls.For the leaves, cut pieces of green paper 7 x5 cm. Now you need to fold the blanks like an accordion with a strip width of about one centimeter. Sharpen one side with scissors. Open the accordion and glue the leaves to the stem. The flower is ready.Roses from colored paper A bouquet of such flowers will be a wonderful decoration for any interior, because you will choose the size and color yourself. As additional decorative elements, you can use glitter, rhinestones, ribbons and beads. Making flowers using the technique suggested below is so easy, simple and exciting that you yourself will not notice how the house is filled with beautiful and original bouquets. Materials and tools:
- Color double-sided paper;
- Scissors;
- Floral wire;
- Pencil;
- Glue (glue gun).
We cut the paper into squares.Each one will make one flower, so the number of squares will determine how lush your bouquet will be. The larger the square itself, the larger the size of the flower will be. Now you need to draw a spiral on the paper from the center to the edge. The size of the petals will be determined by the distance between the turns of the spiral. Now cut out the spiral blank along the lines. From the beginning (outer edge) begin to twist the spiral strip into a bud (Figure 3). The last two curls should be left for the base, which will fix the entire flower from scattering. Glue our flower using hot or instant glue (see Figure 4). Hold the flower until the glue has completely hardened (a few seconds). Now you can attach a stem made of floral wire to it or use it to decorate postcards, etc. If you plan to make a bouquet, take pieces of wire of the required length. Make a loop at one end. Now it needs to be bent perpendicular to the rest of the stem. It is very convenient to glue flowers to such a wire blank. Experiment. Decorate the bouquet with ribbons or beads. Rose from a napkin A very beautiful rose can be made from an ordinary table paper napkin. Since they come in different shades, the flowers will be multi-colored. Such crafts will be an excellent decoration for a festive table, and to make them you will only need your hands. The best material for creating such flowers will be single-layer napkins.Fold back one edge of the napkin to a width of about 5 cm.Take this fold and start winding the napkin around your finger, forming a tube. Having measured about a third of the roll from the top with the fold, start twisting it tightly. This will be the stem. Having passed about half the length of the stem, you will need to straighten one edge of the napkin - this will be the leaf. Then tightly roll the stem again to the end. To fix it, you can use hairspray. It can be with glitter, so the flowers will get an additional decorative element.