How to sew a stylish and beautiful clutch with your own hands. A handy handbag is sewn on the pattern quickly and easily. The material is chosen independently by the master

How to sew a stylish and beautiful clutch with your own hands. A handy handbag is sewn on the pattern quickly and easily. The material is chosen independently by the master

Beauty, elegance and sense of style of anywomen do not depend on her age or fashion this year. The same can be said about such an old, but still popular thing, like clutch. Handbag of this type is loved by almost all women, as this is a universal addition to the apart. Clutch can be taken to parties, various events and even a trip to the beach. The sewing of the clutch with one's own hands is carried out as follows Practical clutch with your own hands. Photo №1 Before the beginning of tailoring it is necessary to be defined, whatsizes and in what style do you want to see the future clutch. Usually the size of the handbag does not exceed 15 * 20 centimeters. To sew it enough will be half a meter square of any fabric. For the pattern you need to take a piece of cardboard. Ultimately, the pattern should be a rectangle of the same size as your handbag. The fabric needs to be turned by the side of the wrong side to the top,then on the contour of the pattern you need to make notes on the fabric. Crayons are best for these purposes. As a result, before you should be a turret, which form three rectangles of fabric. The upper rectangle will be the pocket valve. Do it in such a way that it resembles an envelope in its unfolded form. This process is carried out with a lining cloth. Next, let's talk about how from the prepareddetails make clutch. The fabric from which you make the lining, it is necessary to put the face to the top, then fold it in half and stitch it. After the firmware you will get a pocket. The same procedure you need to do with the fabric that will be outside the bag. Lining and backing should be combined and stitchedat the seams. Thus, you get a finished bag. It remains only to sew a button or other clasp. How to sew a leather clutch The process of sewing a leather clutch is actually even simpler than a fabric clutch. The main thing is that the skin is soft. Exquisitely complemented by any outfit is a bag of bright leather with a black zipper that will bring variety to the image. The first stage of sewing a clutch from the skin should be the preparation of all the necessary tools and materials. You need to stock up a piece of leather with the necessary size, lightning and pins. Pattern is also made as in the first variant. The length of the zipper should be equal to the length of the clutch that you sew. By the same scheme, we cut out a pattern, but in this situation it will be a rectangle folded in half. With the help of pins, you need to fix the zipper on the bag and sew it with a machine. Only after this you can proceed to the lateral seams. Sewing a clutch yourself is not at all difficult, because the shape of the bag is simple. Also, it is very important to note that you yourself can make a thing that will be ideally suited to your style and taste. Stylists give some advice that will helpin tailoring. If you are sewing a clutch for the winter period, it is better to choose thicker fabrics, such as leather, drape or wool. For summer bags, silk or velvet is great. In addition, it is important to remember that a clutch is a bag, not a purse, so its size should be appropriate for the purpose.

