How to sew a rose from felt. Ornaments for clothes. Rose from felt, free lessons.

How to sew a rose from felt. Ornaments for clothes. Rose from felt, free lessons.

Beautiful decorations for things can have the mostdiverse look. Today we will try to consider one of the most popular options for decorating things. A felt rose is exactly the choice that will allow you to decorate any thing. This textile decoration is simply incredibly beautiful and, accordingly, attracts the attention of many. However, not every craftsman knows how to create a felt rose with his own hands. How to make such a rose, you will learn from this lesson. In order to make a beautiful rose, you will need red felt, or burgundy. Pink color may also be suitable, or any other color that you need. Then, you need to cut out a small piece of felt measuring 20 centimeters in length, 6 centimeters in width. Then you need to fold the felt in half and cut one of the ends diagonally. Then, you need to sew the felt using a basting stitch.Create a rose from the felt with your own hands. Materials for sewing roses from felt with their own hands. How to make a rose from felt ?. Photo №1Then, you need to take the felt by the cut edgepiece and start twisting it into a roll shape. In this way, you will form an approximate image of a rose, which is what we need. Do not forget to hold the formed bud at the base so that the rose does not lose its shape when you finish the work. In addition, do not forget to stitch the base of the flower using such threads that will not be too noticeable to the human eye. This will help make the flower more beautiful, and as a result - more attractive as a craft.Create a rose from the felt with your own hands. Materials for sewing roses from felt with their own hands. How to make a rose from felt ?. Photo # 2To make more convex sheets,it is necessary to pull the edge of the thread that was tacked to the bottom of the runner. In this way, a more satisfactory and beautiful form will be obtained that will be able to strike the imagination. Use various tricks to make the appearance of the flower more attractive and interesting.Create a rose from the felt with your own hands. Materials for sewing roses from felt with their own hands. How to make a rose from felt ?. Picture №3Then, you need to wind the entire strip onto the base.felt, and then - secure it with tight stitches that will give shape and strengthen the craft itself in the roots of the base. At the same time, it is necessary to pull the threads so that they disappear in the felt. Thus, they will not be visible to people and, accordingly, will not distract attention from the beauty of the craft. Therefore, pull the threads as deep as possible. Then, you need to take green felt and wind it on the base of your future rose. These will be the leaves for the flower itself. At the same time - no processing can be done, as a result - the leaves will harmoniously fit into the overall style of the rose and will form small leaves.Create a rose from the felt with your own hands. Materials for sewing roses from felt with their own hands. How to make a rose from felt ?. Photo №4It is also necessary to select as many as possibleharmonious color. In this case, a red rose option will be shown, which is perfectly suited to a green option. Using other colors with a red rose can lead to the fact that the appearance of such a rose will become unattractive. Such a felt craft can be attached to a variety of places. For example, some people think that this option is perfect for decorating the appearance of clothes. Someone likes to use a textile rose to decorate handbags or other items or accessories. Various differences in the rose can complement or improve the appearance of any item, thus leaving only pleasant impressions. Use the tips and enjoy the material.

