How to paint Easter eggs so that they are beautiful, bright and harmless

How to paint Easter eggs so that they are beautiful, bright and harmless

Eggs are an essential attribute of such a holiday as Easter. It is a prototype of the universe and a symbol of life.How to paint Easter eggs. Photo №1Even in the most ancient times, when Christianityhad not yet come to Russian soil, there was a tradition of brightly painting eggs and placing them on young grass. An egg is a symbol of natural renewal and the emergence of life, this is what our ancestors believed. According to the Christian faith, an egg is a sign of the jubilant joy of the Resurrection of God. Traditionally, eggs are painted on Maundy Thursday, when there are still three days left before Easter. The meaning of the tradition of painting eggs can be understood from the ancient legend of Mary Magdalene. As the legend goes, Mary came to the Roman Emperor Tiberius with the news of the miracle of the resurrection of Christ, and as a gift she brought him an egg. Tiberius did not believe the words of the poor woman, and then the egg turned red right before his eyes, and red, as you know, is a symbol of the blood that Jesus shed on the cross. Since then, people have been painting eggs, thereby expressing their true faith in the resurrection of God. The process of painting eggs There are many ways to make eggs festive. Now the market is full of all kinds of paints, stickers, stands, stencils and other attributes intended for decorating eggs. Eggs that have been simply painted are popularly called "krashanki", and eggs with patterns - "pysanky". In order for the result of your creativity to be perfect, you need to carry out the painting process correctly. Before boiling, the eggs must be allowed to warm up to room temperature, and a little salt must be added to the water in which they will be cooked to avoid damaging the shell. In order for the paint to lie evenly, it is necessary to dry the eggs and wipe them with alcohol or soapy water. And for shine, you need to treat them with vegetable oil.To color the eggs you can use alreadyready-made dyes, as well as some natural products. For example, these are well-known onion peel, beetroot juice, turmeric and various berries and roots. But not everyone knows that when using a decoction of birch leaves, eggs can be given a yellow color with a golden tint, and dried violets will turn eggs into purple krashanki. There is a way to paint eggs from the inside. To do this, they are boiled for several minutes, then taken out and the shell is pierced in various places with a needle, and then boiled in water to which cloves, coriander seeds and cinnamon were previously added. You can even use cereals to decorate eggs; you need to glue it to the surface and you will get a wonderful fur coat. For a beautiful pattern, before painting, you can wrap the eggs with thread or attach various stencils to the surface.Finally, you can place the festive eggs in a basket and decorate the composition with various green leaves, grass or wheat.

