How to make a cardboard thermometer to school

How to make a cardboard thermometer to school

How to make a thermometer out of cardboard As a rule, in the second grade the teacher asksto do for work on the lessons of natural history thermometer made of cardboard with your own hands. A child can also make it, but it is better if parents make hands on creating a teaching aid - a pleasant evening in the family circle plus more accurate work at the exit. Handmade cardboard thermometer

To make a thermometer of cardboard with your own hands, you will need:

thick cardboard; liner or thin handle; plainpencil; round hat elastic or white lace; felt-tip pens, incl. red felt pen; button; ruler; awl; scissors or cutting knife; markers.

How to make a cardboard thermometer to school: master class

We determine the shape of our future thermometerfrom cardboard. Of course, you can leave it just a rectangle, but much more interesting if it is a house, a cat or a mushroom. Determined, sketched silhouette (I just noted the roof of the house) and immediately held the vertical axis of the future thermometer. Perpendicular to the axis of this house under the ruler, with a step of 1 mm, we draw a thermometer scale - as a rule, the teacher specifies the desired range of the scale. I have it from -40 to + 40 ° C. We draw the lines of the scale with a liner or a thin pen, ensuring that the lines are not smeared (perhaps, you should choose not smooth, but rough cardboard, there is practically no smearing on it). Scale with 1 mm pitch Mark zero, indicate every 10 degrees above and below zero. At the top and bottom of the scale mark ° C. Draw a scale Cut out the figure of the thermometer layout from cardboard along the silhouette. Cut the silhouette Just above and just below the scale we pierce with an awl neat round holes: a rubber band will go into them. Sewing holes Take a white round thin lace or roundgum, its length - the distance between the holes, multiplied by two, plus 3-4 cm for tying. Exactly half of this lace is painted with a felt-tip pen in red. Paint a column of lace Carefully, from the front of the thermometer, thread the tips of the elastic into the holes, leading the tails to the wrong side. Layout thermometer made of cardboard We tie the ends together, while tying a button in a knot. This is necessary in order to make it faster and more convenient for the child to move the thermometer bar. But without buttons you can do completely. Tie a button On the front side, we paint our own hand-made thermometer made of cardboard in the way the child wants. You can sign our work. How to make a thermometer from cardboard to school A thermometer made of cardboard is ready - you can take it to school and enjoy working with it in class with pleasure. How to make a thermometer of cardboard with your own hands A thermometer made of cardboard do it yourself to school Cardboard-to-school thermometer Eva Casio specifically for the site Workshops on needlework Previous article: Next article:

