How to make a lamp out of the bottle with your own hands - 3 lessons

How to make a lamp out of the bottle with your own hands - 3 lessons

Want to give charm to your gazebo orthe balcony to sit at night in a chair and enjoy the stars, surrounded by intimate twilight? We will help you achieve what you want - for this you need to see our master class and make a lamp or a chandelier from a glass bottle with your own hands. The content of the article:

Master class number 1: Chandelier - bottle hanger

Glass bottle chandelier fits perfectly into your home or apartment interior. And most importantly, they will be exclusive! To make a bottle chandelier with your own hands, you will need:

  • Large bottles - 3 pieces;
  • Protective gloves, goggles and mask;
  • Bottle Cutter;
  • Sandpaper;
  • A small lamp on a long wire with a switch;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Dark wire.

  • Clean the bottles from the labels, dry them well.

  • Secure the bottle in the cutter, place the glass cutter at the level you want to leave, put on protective clothing. Rotate the bottle gently for a smoother cutting line.

TIP: If you do not have a glass cutter - Do not worry! position = "center"

  • Pour cold water on the bottle, then hot. Alternate so for a few minutes, and the bottom of the bottle will disappear in a slice.

  • Place the bottle on the bottom with sandpaper and scroll for a few minutes until the edges are smooth and smooth.

  • Using a screwdriver, carefully disassemble the lamp, carefully remove the wire. We pass the wire through the hole, collect the lamp and check if it works.

  • Now, to give practically finished chandelieroriginality, we take a dark wire and, starting from the neck, we begin to twist it on the bottle. You can give any kind of wire, at your discretion.

Also, the ceiling can be painted and we get these stylish lamps suspension. To learn how to paint a bottle - click on the button!

Master class number 2: decorating the lamp from the bottle

The lamp from a glass bottle will harmoniously fit on a cozy balcony, without interfering with admiring the sleeping city. For the manufacture of the lamp from the bottle we need:

  • Empty glass bottle;
  • Glass cutter;
  • Propane torch with a thin tip;
  • Plastic safety glasses;
  • Sandpaper / sanding block;
  • Protective gloves, mask;
  • Liquid glue for decoration;
  • Glass stones for decoration;
  • A small lamp on a long wire with a switch;
  • Wooden chopik;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Short wire / rope.
  • Take the bottle, clean it from the labels. Best of all, before cutting the right bottle, practice on a couple of others, since cutting glass is quite difficult.
  • With a glass cutter, carefully cut the cutting line around the circumference; take your time - if the lines do not close, it will not be possible to cut the bottle exactly.
  • Next, take the burner, the best - if youfix the bottle on something slowly rotating, but you can just hold it tight. Carefully start to warm the cut point, do not forget to slowly rotate the bottle, if you have it just fixed. After some time, the cut line will crack.
  • There is an easier way to cut the bottle: We also draw a glass line around the circumference, put the bottle in a container with cold water, so that the cutting line is covered. Next, pour a little boiling water into the bottle - the bottle will crack in a slice. If it did not work out - repeat with a new bottle. The cut line turned out sharp and uneven - sanding it with sandpaper. Wear a pair of goggles, a mask, and protective gloves as a precaution. Put a drop of glue on the edge of the bottle. Put a glass stone on a drop of glue and press it for a while to harden it on the bottle. Try to glue the stones in a circle, right under the neck. Gluing the entire bottle, leave it to dry for a day. Take the lamp. You can take more powerful lamps to make the light more powerful. See how your lamp is structured so as not to harm the wiring. Carefully disassemble the lamp, carefully remove the wire. We pass the cord through the bottle, collect the lampback, check if it works. We customize the wooden chopik to the size of the bottle neck so that it does not press hard on the wire and we paint it white. Insert the chopik into the neck, pressing down the wire to secure our lamp. To be, for what to hang our lamp frombottle, take the lamp cord and turn, forming a loop. Tie a loop with a wire or rope tightly. We glue the glass stones on the bottle neck and leave to dry for the 2nd day. Here are our lamps from the bottles that fit perfectly in the country or on the balcony!

    Master class number 3: table lamp from the bottle

    How to make an inexpensive desk lamp for the living room or bedroom, look at the next master class. We will need the following:

    • Glass bottle;
    • Patch;
    • Diamond drill bit;
    • A small lamp on a long wire with a switch;
    • Shade;
    • Protective gloves, goggles and mask;
    • Unwanted towel;
    • Screwdriver.

    The process of making the lamp

  • Outlined on the bottom of the bottle hole for wiring. Sticking plaster on this place, put on protective clothing.
  • How to drill a hole for the cord: put the bottle in a towel, and begin to drill a hole with a diamond drill. Drilling can take up to half an hour.
  • Peel off the plaster and labels by soaking the bottle in hot water.
  • Using a screwdriver, carefully disassemble the lamp, trying not to damage anything.
  • Insert the wire into the hole in the bottle, stretch it to the neck. Putting the lamp back, fix the lampshade on the neck.
  • Economical original table lamp is ready! Choose your favorite crafts, callchildren and give them unforgettable creative lessons, when, it would seem, from unremarkable separate objects you can create something incredibly interesting! More Master Classes: - see the link!

    Ideas fixtures from the bottle

    From this master class you learned only 3ways to diversify your home with unusual lamps from glass bottles, but there are still many different, non-standard and extravagant, chandeliers, lamps and sconces, which you can find out by looking at a few more ideas. Be creative, so that the soul rejoices and the body rests. Few ideas? See how you can still apply glass bottles in the interior - Click on the button!

