How to weave sakura from beads, detailed master classes with step-by-step photos and descriptions.
One of the symbols of Japan is sakura.These ornamental trees belong to one of the species of cherry small-serrated. This tree blooms in spring for 3-5 days. This time in Japan is considered an official holiday Hanami - this is an ancient custom of admiring flowers, literally translated as "looking at flowers". These days, many people with families and friends come to special parks, bring food and drinks and contemplate the beautiful flowering trees. An old Japanese legend says that admiring the flowering sakura can prolong life up to 100 years. Therefore, it is very great that you can create a beautiful miniature flowering cherry tree with your own hands from beads. This will not only be a wonderful hobby and a gift for loved ones, admiring this delicate and beautiful piece of interior decor, you can find out how true the legend is. Below are several detailed master classes with step-by-step photos. Beaded trees can be created in several ways. In some, the trunk is formed by twisting the branches, in others, the branches are screwed to a pre-made trunk. The first beaded sakura.Required:
- 250 g of beads of pink color;
- 50 g of green beads;
- Thick and thin wire;
- Foil;
- PVA glue;
- Paints, acrylic;
- Gypsum;
- Capacity of a beautiful shape for the stand;
- Paper napkins;
- Pliers and pliers.
Barrel and base stand.To create a trunk, take a thick wire. Cut pieces according to the number of future branches (in this master class there are 9 branches) about 50 cm each (the length will depend on how big you want to make the sakura). Measure about 6 cm from one edge and twist a little higher (these will be the roots, completely located in the stand).Select 3 wires and twist them aroundtrunk several times, pressing tightly to the rest of the bundle of wire pieces. After winding a few centimeters upward, leave one wire (the lower branch). Wrap the future trunk with the two remaining ones for another couple of cm. Do the same with the rest of the wires, wrapping first with 3, then 2, and then one. Using nippers, make branches of different lengths, forming a crown.Cover the container with foil and mix the plaster withwater, place the trunk blank in a container and fill it with plaster. Make a support for the trunk until the plaster hardens completely. Also apply plaster to the lower part of the trunk to give it relief.After drying, paint the stand and the barrel with paint.Glue the green beads very tightly onto the stand.String pink beads onto pieces of thin wire so that one edge remains free.Measure 10 cm of the empty end of the wire, count out 10 beads. Twist them into a loop and make 4 - 6 turns of the wire. You have a leaf with a stem.Step back from this leaf 1.5 - 2 cm, count 10 more beads and make another loop. Make 5 such loops-leaves.Now you need to make a turn and executeleaves on the second side of the branch. Having twisted the 6th leaf (the first on the second side of the branch), it is necessary to twist the wire between the leaves. This is how a twig is obtained.Make the other side symmetrically. Measure out another 10 cm of wire for twisting and cut off the ends.On one branch there were 9 leaf-loops. 70 such branches are needed.Take 5 of these branches and twist them into 1 branch. The leaves are facing up.Using a piece of thin wire, attach this fluffy twig to the top branch of the trunk.Take 3 more branches from 9 loops and twist them into one. You will need 6 such semi-fluffy branches.Measure about 2 cm from the top and attach 3 branches, a couple of centimeters down, attach another 3 branches. The top of the sakura is ready.Form 8 more semi-fluffy branches (from 3 branches with 9 loops). Attach to the end of each branch.It is necessary to make 90 blanks consisting of 13 loops.Combine 3 of these blanks into one.You will need 4 of these branches.Step back 2 cm from the end of the branch (a semi-fluffy branch is already attached to it) and attach 2 fluffy branches, then step back a couple more centimeters from this attachment and attach 2 more voluminous long branches.Similarly, form 2 more upper branches.For the lower tier of branches (for each branch)you will need 6 long and voluminous branches. The ends already have half-hairy branches attached. Step back a couple of centimeters from the attachment, attach two long branches, then step back a couple of cm again and attach the next two branches, and step back two cm again and attach two branches.Cut paper napkins into thin strips and wrap them tightly around all the branches. Start from the end. Wrap the side branches first.Then wrap the trunk, starting from the top.Mix the paint that was used to paint the base with water and PVA glue in a ratio of 1:1:1. Paint the trunk and branches wrapped in paper napkins.After drying, straighten the branches and the sakura is ready. You can contemplate it and extend your life to a hundred years.You can try to weave a simple branch of blossoming sakura.Required:
- Light pink and white beads (petals);
- A golden glass bead and chocolate shades (smaller, stamens);
- Wire;
- Nippers;
- Brown thread for winding.
Petal.Cut 2 pieces of wire (one shorter, one longer). The short piece is the axis. Twist the 2 pieces by 2 - 3 cm. String 3 pink and 5 white beads onto the short piece of wire. String a couple more white beads onto the long piece. Twist the long piece around the short one. Form a symmetrical arc on the second side of the future petal. Make 2 more arcs on each side, eachadding 2 - 3 beads each time. Make the last pair of arcs only pink. Twist the ends of the wire and make the petal slightly cup-shaped (so that it resembles a real petal).For each flower you need 5 of thesepetals. For stamens, you need to string 1 brown bead. And then thread both ends of the wire into 1 piece of golden bugle bead. It can be replaced with several pieces of small golden beads. For each flower, you need 3 such stamens. Connect three stamens and five petals into one flower. Twist the free ends of the wires.Bud.To create a bud, you need to string 3 pink, 10 white and 3 more pink beads on a piece of wire and twist them into a loop, make 2 turns of the wire, and make another such loop, 2 more turns and another 1 beaded loop. Twist the loops together. They should be directed upwards.Twist the buds with flowers in random order. Carefully wrap with brown thread. It will cover the wire and give the branch a more realistic look. It is necessary to wrap very tightly.It is better to secure the end of the thread with glue or replace it.thread on a special floral tape. Another cherry blossom tree. In this craft, the trunk is not created separately, but formed directly from the branches.You will need:
- 50 g of beads of two shades of pink;
- 15 g of green beads;
- Wire;
- Threads for winding (can be replaced with floristic tape);
- Gypsum (you can use alabaster);
- PVA glue;
- Paint brown;
- A container where the cherry blossom will “grow”.
Branches. Mix green and 45 g of pink beads in a convenient container.Cut a piece of wire 75 cm long.Make a mark (loop) at a distance of 15 cm from the edge. String beads. Make loops of 5 beads - leaflets with 3 - 4 turns of wire each at a distance of 0.5 - 1 cm from each other.Having reached the 15 cm mark from the edge, fold the workpiece in half and twist.For sakura, you need to make 53 of these twig blanks. Twist them 6 pcs. You will get 9 bunches.Twist the top from 3 large bunches.Twist 3 side branches (2 bunches in each). Screw the side branches to the top, one below the other.Wrap the branches and stem with thread or floral tape.Make a loop of wire at the end of the tree. Place the tree in a suitable container and fill it with plaster. Secure it for stability while the plaster hardens.After the plaster has completely dried, paint it.trunk and branches with brown paint. Coat the plaster surface with glue and sprinkle with the remaining beads. Straighten the branches, and the sakura is ready to bloom in your home all year round.