Ideas for creating an Autumn costume. Master class and video / Toys with their own hands, patterns, video, MK

Ideas for creating an Autumn costume. Master class and video / Toys with their own hands, patterns, video, MK

Autumn costume for a girl is ideal for a holidayand very popular, because it is not very easy to perform and ikrasiv. To learn how to make an Autumn costume with your own hands, you can ask this to master the fantasy that can prompt unusual and effective details for such a carnival image. But, if you want to use proven options for a holiday, take a closer look at popular ideas and instructions.

Costume "beautiful Autumn" for the morning performance with your own hands

A beautiful and suitable version of the skirt is a skirt-tutu. This detail of the costume can be made with your own hands of a knitted fabric of yellow, brown and orange color. To begin with, you need to cut the fabric of the strips, which will need to tie the creme. It is desirable that the colors of the strips alternate. The length of the strip should be about sixty centimeters. Width-five. Next, we take the gum and turn it around the girl's thighs and bind it to the node. Strongly stretch eenenuzhno. The resulting ring of rubber can be pulled over the chair, so that it is convenient to tie the fabric. We take pieces of cloth and tie their ends with nodules. The thicker the stripes, the more luxurious the skirt will be. Skirt-tutuThe top can be sewn in a stretchy fabric brown,orange or yellow. We measure the distance from the upper point of the breast to the girl's dobereer. This is the width of the fabric. To find out the length, you should measure the girth of the hips, pulling the fabric, and add three centimeters to the knee. Cut the outstretched rectangle and cut it from the side. Ljamochki it is possible to make woven takoyzhe, or the above-stated color. Exactly we cut out two strips, two widths, an adeline ten centimeters sew them to the inner side of the top. The detail that completes the image is an unusual crown. The regular rubber will serve as a basis. We wrap it around the head of the girl and we bind the napar of the knots. To decorate the crown, you need to create a colorful paper autumn leaves of the ripe fruit. You can draw them on white paper, paint and cut. Attach them to a good glue. Crown of leavesTakimizhe leaves and fruits can decorate the skirt-pack a bit of it. If you are worried that the decor will disappear on time, you can sew it.

A simple version of the carnival costume of Autumn with your own hands

Instead of the top of the skirt, you can make a carnivalversion of the cape. The most suitable version of the fabric for her is a flowing yellow satin. Cut out a large piece of fabric circle and make a hole in the middle, so that the head is placed outside. You can trim the circle with a tape of red, brown or green. Unforgettable, that under the cloak, you must always put on the topic of a suitable color. Use of natural materials for decorationlooks very impressive. Therefore, if the time of the year allows, it is possible to attach natural leaves to the kwakid. Another possible effective detail is rowan or rosehip beads. We create them by unknitting the berry strings with the help of a needle and tying the obtained beads over the nodule. Autumn dress

Interesting attire of Autumn-beauty with your own hands for the morning performance

You can find ready-made items, for example, a jumper blouse. If you look at the ready-made dress of a woven color of the autumn colors, buy it to make it the basis of the costume. You can decorate a thing with leaves of paper, strewn with sparkles. An excellent version of the headdress is a wreath of isosenic flowers. If its weaving seems to be difficult for you, you can sew a rim of elastic fabric and stick a flower on to the bottom, leaves and lace. Headdress of AutumnAnother attribute of such a suit is a basket. The main condition is that it must be of natural materials. You can put ripe apples of mushrooms, as well as other flowers and fruits that decorate the autumn. See similar master classes:

