Ideas for table setting and festive food for Halloween (44 photos)

Ideas for table setting and festive food for Halloween (44 photos)


    Unusual Halloween holiday

    Decorate your home, invite guests and treat themgoodies - a good tradition of almost every holiday. But on this day, it was customary to scare the invitees. It's about Halloween, of course. On such a day, table setting and the design of dishes should be given special attention. We hope you enjoy our ideas. Halloween festive table decoration - photoHalloween festive table decoration - photo

    Ghost in the living room

    The privilege of meeting your friends can be trustedgood ghost. It will become the personification of the spirit of the holiday and create the right atmosphere. To settle it above your table, you do not need much. Namely, a couple of tens of meters of gauze, a small piece of dense black fabric, thread, as well as one large ball filled with helium. Halloween gauze ghost in the living roomGauze Ghost in the Living Room for Halloween Gauzeneed to cut into segments of 2-3 meters. Make black eyes and mouth. They can be glued, or sewn to gauze. The character of this mystical hero will depend on your skill and imagination. Already finished cloth just throw on a helium ball. Your head will rise and your ghost will hang over the table. Fasten hands to the chandelier or ceiling. And your miracle ghost is ready. More ideas for living room decor: How to decorate the living room for HalloweenHow to decorate the living room for Halloween More ideas for decorating the living room and table for HalloweenMore ideas for decorating the living room and table for Halloween

    Original furniture for the festive table

    Of course, to buy new furniture for everyonenot all families can afford a festive occasion. But on such a day, she simply must be unusual. The way out is to give it uniqueness on its own. Play in contrasts. Against the background of your white monster, black furniture will look very advantageous. And a fabric such as tulle will give it mystery and mysticism. You can decorate black tulle chairs and chairs. Bright satin ribbons will give them even more thematic gloom. For example, the orange color will correspond to the gamut of classical decoration of such a holiday. Halloween Festive Table FurnitureHalloween Festive Table Furniture

    Midnight Clock at the Center of the Halloween Table

    Everything should be the best on your holiday! Even the time is most suitable for representatives of evil spirits! Want to be midnight? Make a decorative watch. You can use for them the main symbol of Halloween - a pumpkin. Pumpkin Midnight ClockPumpkin Midnight Watchoperations will require black cardboard, a sharp thin knife, a safety pin with a black tip, and the actual pumpkin, preferably flat. Draw a face and a face on it, how scary it will be, you decide. Using these blanks, carefully cut everything with a knife, not through it, so that the bright orange pulp of the pumpkin is visible in the slot. It remains to attach arrows with a pin, and stop the desired moment. The clock struck midnight ...The clock struck midnight ...

    Halloween scary menu

    Dishes for the festive table in Halloween canbe the most diverse. Here you should not limit yourself to anything. Focus on the taste of your company or your own. But the design of each dish should be given special attention. Stock up on food coloring, cheese, ketchup, mayonnaise, and most importantly, imagination. Using these simple ingredients, it is not difficult for meat hot to create an awesome look, for example, giving it the shape of the insides or parts of the human body. Cookies - Human FingersCookies - human fingers But on the coldappetizers dwell on more details. For example, boiled stuffed eggs. They can be made in the form of eyes. To use olives as pupils, and to draw bursting vessels on a protein with sauce or ketchup. Halloween holiday menuHalloween holiday menuServe even a simple salad of greens. To do this, a few oranges are enough, of which with the help of a knife you can make frightening faces. Just cut off the top with a knife, clean it from the pulp (it can be used for juice), and cut out the eyes, mouth and nose. Put your salad in the resulting shape and the monsters can be served. Hamburger - MonstersHamburger - Monsters A simple and interesting idea -sandwiches "face of the mummy." Cut the cheese into thin strips and put them on toasts in the form of bandages, and from the olives, build the eyes of your mummy. Scary sweet and tasty dish. And many more different ideas of what you can cook for Halloween: Halloween food and table ideasHalloween food and table ideas Do you like the article? Share on social networks!

