Important and detailed tips for knitting beautiful colors by crocheting, using photos and charts

Important and detailed tips for knitting beautiful colors by crocheting, using photos and charts

We knit beautiful flowers with a crochet hook:Tips for Beginners There is no doubt that experienced needlewomen can create simply wonderful crocheted things with their own hands. It is not difficult to learn this type of needlework. It is enough to put in a little effort and patience. We recommend starting your learning process with simple products and corresponding crochet patterns. Such a product will be a flower made in the process of crocheting. You can create them in different sizes, and then use them as decoration for many things from your wardrobe: a scarf, a jacket, a hat, a sweater. Crocheted flowers can be used as a detail of hair decoration. So, the work of fantasy will help you create beautiful and original things. We will begin our master class with crocheting a chamomile. The pattern of our future flower looks like this:knitting the original crochet flowers for beginners. Photo №11. Make 4 VP (short for “air loop”) and connect these loops into a circle by knitting PS (short for “half-column”).knitting the original crochet flowers for beginners. Photo # 2 knitting the original crochet flowers for beginners. Picture №32.Then we create 2 VP to make the lift. We knit the 1st row with the base thread: it includes eleven CH (short for “double crochet”). We knit the petals, starting from the 2nd row, taking a white thread instead of a yellow thread. Finishing the 1st row, we make a PS, oriented to the 2nd loop of the knitted lifting chain.knitting the original crochet flowers for beginners. Photo №43.Then we thread the next thread, and from the back we tie it to the previous one. 4. The next step in making a flower knitted from threads should be the petals. To do this, we knit a row of nine air loops. We make the next chain in the loops of the first row, starting from the third loop, and as a result we knit seven SC (short for “single crochet”).knitting the original crochet flowers for beginners. Photo №55.Having completed this, we attach the petal to the yellow core by knitting PS. At the end, we attach the petal with a half-column in the yellow center. At the same time, we pass the hook through the columns of the row that was knitted before this.knitting the original crochet flowers for beginners. Photo №66.We will knit all subsequent petals using the same technology. After you have knitted all twelve petals, you need to finish the PS and bring the thread to the back side, where you need to cut it with scissors and secure it accordingly.knitting the original crochet flowers for beginners. Photo №7Very popular among flowers associatedcrochet, uses pink cherry. It is quite easy to make. 1. The first steps in knitting this flower are almost the same as the knitting technique of our previous chamomile. The first row consists of 5 VP, collected in a ring by knitting PS.knitting the original crochet flowers for beginners. Photo №82. Then we make 2 VP to provide lift, and in the 1st row we add another 1 VP.knitting the original crochet flowers for beginners. Photo Number 93. Next we make 8 more CH, alternating with 1 VP. We finish the row in the 2nd VP of the rise, connected with half-columns.knitting the original crochet flowers for beginners. Picture №104. From the 2nd row we begin knitting the petals.We make 1 air loop for lifting, then we knit 1 SC, placed between a pair of columns, one single crochet between two columns made by yarning “under the arch” of the previously knitted row. Then we make 1 VP, in the next arch we knit 5 more columns with a yarn. Each of these columns must be alternated with 1 air loop, then we make 1 VP and 1 SN in our “arch” in the previous row. As a result, we have a ready-made petal.knitting the original crochet flowers for beginners. Photo Number 115. Knit the following petals in the same way.We finish with a half-column, capturing 1 PP (short for “lifting loop”), then we need to bring the thread out to the back side and secure it.knitting the original crochet flowers for beginners. Photo number 12

