In this master class you will learn how to tie a bear crochet as a gift to the Pope on February 23rd.

In this master class you will learn how to tie a bear crochet as a gift to the Pope on February 23rd.

Today we propose to knit a paratrooper bear. Why a bear? Russian bear – this is already an international brand of Russia, and the landing – a symbol of courage and unbending will to win.In this master class you will learn how to tie a crochet bean as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 1We need:threads "Handmade Pekhorka" (acrylic 100%, 50 g, 175 m) white, black and blue colors, brown yarn ALIZE Superwash wool (50 g, 210 m), green – thin woolen thread in six folds. Hook No. 1.25, needle with a large eye, artificial filler and eyes. We will use glass eyes on a metal rod, the kind you can buy at a craft store or online store. Head For the head we took brown yarn, our bear will be brown. To begin with, we collect 6 sc in the A-ring (single crochets). 1 row. 6 sc.In this master class you will learn how to tie a crochet bean as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 22nd row. 6 + 6 = 12 sc. We will make two columns in each column.In this master class you will learn how to tie a crochet bean as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 33rd row. 12 + 6 = 18 sc. We knit two through one column.In this master class, you will learn how to tie a crochet hook to a gift for the Pope on February 23. Photo # 44 row. 18 + 6 = 24 sc. Let's double in every third column.In this master class you will learn how to tie a bear crochet as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 55 row. 24 + 6 = 30 sc. Let's double in every fourth column.In this master class you will learn how to tie a crochet bean as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 66th row. 30 + 6 = 36 sc. Double in every fifth column.In this master class you will learn how to tie a crochet bean as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 77th row. 36 + 6 = 42 sc. Let's double in every sixth column.In this master class, you will learn how to tie a crochet bean as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 88 row. 42 + 6 = 48 sc. In every seventh.In this master class you will learn how to tie a crochet bean as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 99 row. 48 + 6 = 54 sc. In every eighth.In this master class you will learn how to tie a crochet hook to a dad on February 23. Photo # 1010– 14 rows. 54 sc. We knit without changes.In this master class you will learn how to tie a crochet bean as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 1115 row. 54 – 6 = 48 sc.Let's make decreases on every eighth stitch (skip without knitting). 16th row. 48 – 6 = 42 sc. We will decrease on every seventh column. 17th row. 42 – 6 = 36 sc. Decrease every sixth. 19 row. 36– 6 = 30 sc. Decrease every fifth. At this stage, while the underside of the head is accessible, we decided to insert the eyes.In this master class you will learn how to tie a teddy bear as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 12We pierce the fabric with a rod in the place where the eyes will be, and bend the rod itself with a loop and flatten it with pliers.In this master class you will learn how to tie a crochet bean as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 13But you can simply embroider the eyes if you don’t haveopportunities to buy them. 20 row. 30 – 6 = 24 sc. Decrease every fourth. Small, so that there are no lumps or bumps on the product, add filler in portions. 21 row. 24 – 6 = 18 sc. Let's turn it down every third. 22 row. 18– 6 = 12 sc. Every second. 23 row. 12 – 6 = 6 sc. Also, if required, we will add filler. 24 row. We close the row by knitting it through a post, tighten the thread, cut it off and hide its end.In this master class you will learn how to tie a bear crochet as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 14Nose Let's make a false nose. Let's start the same way as the head. 1 row. 6 sc. 2nd row. 6 + 6 = 12 sc. 3rd row. 12 + 6 = 18 sc. 4– 6 rows. Let's cut the thread, just leave the tail to sew the nose to the head.In this master class you will learn how to tie a teddy bear as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 15Ears. 1 row. 6 sc. 2nd row. 6 + 6 = 12 sc. 3rd row. 12 + 6 = 18 sc. 4 row. 18 + 2 = 20 sc.In this master class, you will learn how to tie a crochet bead as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 165 row. 20 sc. 6th row. 20 – 2 = 18 sc. 7th row. 18– 6 = 12 sc. 8 row. 12 – 6 = 6 sc. Next, close it through a column, as described above. Let's leave the end of the thread.In this master class you will learn how to tie a crochet bean as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 17We make two ears.Body We start the body from the lower legs, so – amy ring again. 1 row. 6 sc. 2nd row. 6 + 6 = 12 sc. We make increments as when knitting a head. 3rd row. 12 + 6 = 18 sc. 4 row. 18 + 6 = 24 sc. 5– 8 rows. 24 sc. Here, at the end of the row, we cut the thread. 9– 14 rows. 24 sc. Instead of brown, take a green thread and continue with it.In this master class you will learn how to tie a teddy bear as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 1815 row. 24 – 4 = 20 sc.You can partially fill the leg with padding polyester or other material. 16– 18 rows. 20 sc. Having completed the row, we will make 5 sbn and 1 air lifting loop (vpp), again turn 5 sbn and 1 pt. Four such rows need to be knitted.In this master class you will learn how to tie a crochet bean as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 19Let's cut the thread here. Let's prepare the second leg.In this master class you will learn how to tie a bear crochet as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 20We put the legs together and connect the connected protrusions using connecting posts (cc).In this master class you will learn how to tie a crochet bean as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 2119 row.We have a new part from two previous ones. In the circle we will continue to knit a row of single crochets. In this row we will get 42 sc. 20 row. 42 – 6 = 36 sc. In every sixth column – let's reduce it. 21– 24 rows. 36 sc.In this master class you will learn how to tie a teddy bear as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 22The beginning of the row falls in the middle of the figure andall the jumps when moving from one color to another will be visible, so I suggest moving the beginning of the row to the side. 25 – 26 rows. 36 sc. Here we will start knitting a brown belt.In this master class you will learn how to tie a teddy bear as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 23We change the brown thread to white. 27 – 32 row. 36 sc. Here we proceed to the white and blue vest, one row – white, other – blue.In this master class you will learn how to tie a teddy bear as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 2433 row. 36– 4 = 32 sc.We will distribute the reductions evenly. 34 row. 32 sc. Row 35 32– 4 = 28 sc. 36 row. 28 sc. 37 row. 28– 4 = 24 sc. 38 row. 24 – 4 = 20 sc. 39 row. 20 – 4 = 16 sc. 40 row. 16– 4 = 12 sc. Here we finish the T-shirt and move on to the bear’s neck, i.e. the thread will be brown.In this master class you will learn how to tie a teddy bear as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 2541 row. 12 sc.We finally stuff the carcass and cut the thread, leaving a tail to sew on the head. Let's put the head and carcass together, sew on the ears and nose. When the nose is half sewn on, put some stuffing there and embroider the nose and mouth with black thread. Now let's attach the head to the body.In this master class you will learn how to tie a teddy bear as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 26All that remains is to make the paws and blue beret. Hands 1 row. 6 sc. 2nd row. 6 + 6 = 12 sc. 3– 11 rows. 12 + 6 = 18 sc. 12 row. 18– 3 = 15 sc.In this master class you will learn how to tie a crochet bean as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 2713 – 16 rows. 15 sc. 17th row. 15 – 3 = 12 sc. We put a little filler so that the hand does not puff up. 18th row. 12 – 2 = 10 sc.In this master class you will learn how to tie a teddy bear as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 28Let's make a second hand.In this master class you will learn how to tie a bear crochet as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 29Sew on both arms and make a belt buckle with yellow yarn.In this master class you will learn how to tie a bear crochet as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 30Takes 1 row. 6 sc. 2nd row. 6 + 6 = 12 sc. 3rd row. 12 + 6 = 18 sc. 4 row. 18 + 6 = 24 sc. 5 row. 24 + 6 = 30 sc. 6th row. 30 + 6 = 36 sc.In this master class you will learn how to tie a crochet bean as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 317th row. 36 sc. 8 row. 36– 6 = 30 sc. 9 row. 30 – 6 = 24 sc. 10 row. 24 + 2 = 26 sc. In the last row we will make an extension for a more comfortable fit of the beret.In this master class you will learn how to tie a crochet bean as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 32Let's make a “cockade” with yellow thread. ontake it. We will sew the beret to the head with a brown thread; you can put a little padding polyester inside so that the headdress does not press too much. Since the beret has a leather edging, we will also make a black edging.In this master class you will learn how to tie a crochet bean as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 33Our aspiring paratrooper is ready to serve the Fatherland!In this master class you will learn how to tie a crochet bean as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 34 In this master class you will learn how to tie a bear crochet as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 35 In this master class you will learn how to tie a crochet bean as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 36 In this master class you will learn how to tie a crochet bean as a gift to the Pope on February 23. Photo # 37

