Interesting schemes of black and white cross-stitch embroidery, tips for beginners on black and white embroidery, black and white embroidery schemes for free.
This article is about creating with the help ofcross stitch black and white picture. There are several reasons to be interested in this topic. The first is the prevailing opinion that it is worth learning cross stitch using black and white picture patterns as an example. This statement, of course, contains some truth, but given the existence of very complex black and white patterns that only experienced needlewomen can do, this statement can be questioned. The second reason is the ability of black and white embroideries to look perfect in almost any interior, giving it, in addition to elegance, a certain mystery and secret. Consequently, any craftswoman will want to take up such needlework and embroider a decorative element for herself or as a gift for loved ones. Therefore, let's move on to a more detailed examination of black and white patterns.Of course, embroidery using black andwhite threads is simpler than when performing it with multi-colored threads, when you need to constantly select shades. For beginner embroiderers, we recommend choosing a simple and easy pattern of black and white embroidery. There are many such patterns and they mainly depict abstractions, animals, people and ornaments. It is worth starting with a pattern that uses only black and white threads, without their additional shades. At this stage, even from two colors it is possible to create a small masterpiece, since these basic colors are characteristic of everything in the reality around us. Such symbolism is the best basis for spiritual work.
If you have chosen the schemeblack and white embroidery, then you should get some information about the features and differences compared to the color scheme. The main skill of such embroidery is not in playing with shades in the range from black to white, but in the use of all kinds of cross stitch techniques. Therefore, every needlewoman should know, in addition to classic crosses, such concepts as half-cross, cross ¾, and also the French knot. Speaking about the designations on the schemes themselves, it is worth noting that they represent certain symbols, and in some cases - numbers. When embroidering a large black and white picture, you cannot do without a scheme. It is important to remember that the embroidery kit should have a key, in other words, a table describing the shades of threads that are used in this work. In schemes with symbolic designations, the main thing is that they are printed as clearly as possible and are not similar to each other.
I would like to say a few words about monochromeembroidery. This variety may appeal to many because of its main feature - the use of a single main color, diluted with black and white. Such embroideries look no less magnificent in traditional interiors. Try to pay attention to some still life or a painting by one of the famous artists, find the same monochrome patterns for cross stitching, and the interior design of your home will become more refined, sophisticated and unique thanks to a masterpiece embroidered by your own hands.
For those who couldn't find a monochrome scheme foryour favorite painting, we can advise you to use the program that creates patterns - "Cross". It is enough to upload your favorite painting and create a pattern of your masterpiece with a couple of clicks. Note that patterns for monochrome embroidery created from portraits of your loved ones will look very original. All you need is a photo, your enthusiasm, diligence and patience when embroidering.
No doubt, black and white picture, embroideredwith your own hands, will be a wonderful, refined and imaginative gift. Such paintings are able to demonstrate something personal to each person, since some people tend to see only white, and others - only black colors.
We hope that we have managed to awaken your interest in black and white embroidery patterns and that you will immediately take up this handicraft.