We knit a beautiful light purple dress with knitting needles for women according to the schemes and with the description, as well as with step-by-step instruction and photo
Knitting a light lilac women's dress BIn this article we offer you a master class on knitting a simple, but at the same time, very pretty dress of a light lilac shade. In such clothes, every woman will feel light and comfortable even on the hottest day. The owner of such a thing will be able to use it for everyday wear and for an evening walk with her beloved.Our material calculations are given for thirtysize eight. To make this dress you will need: five hundred grams of light lilac yarn from the Mondial Comet brand; knitting needles number four; 2 buttons. Knitting the "double elastic" pattern: with a contrasting color thread, cast on 50% of all the necessary loops. First row: knit the repeating part of the pattern with the main thread: one front loop, one yarn over. Second row: the repeating part of the pattern: create a yarn over with a front loop, remove one loop as if it were purl, without knitting it, the thread is in front of the fabric. Third row: the repeating part of the pattern: one front loop, remove one loop as if it were purl, without knitting it, the thread is in front of the fabric. When the piece is ready, remove the contrasting color thread. Pattern "elastic band 1*1": alternately knit one front, one back loop.
Front stitch:The front rows are made with front loops, the back rows are made with back loops. "Garter" knitting: the front and back loops are knitted with front loops. "Large scallops" pattern (we cast on a number of loops that is a multiple of six and add one edge loop): we knit eight rows using the front surface. The ninth row: we knit three front loops, two loops together with the front loop, make one yarn over, make one front loop. We finish with two front loops. The tenth, twelfth and fourteenth rows: we knit one back loop, drop the yarn over from the previous row, make one yarn over again, knit four back loops. We repeat this way to the end of the row. Rows eleven and thirteen: knit three front loops, knit two loops together, drop the yarn over from the previous row, make one yarn over again, knit one front loop. Finish with two front loops. Row fifteen: knit four front loops, drop the yarn over from the previous row, pass the knitting needle under the yarn overs from the ninth row, passing it through the subsequent yarn overs, knit them with one front loop. Create one front loop. Finish with two front loops. Row seventeen: repeat the pattern from the first row.
The pattern of "little scallops" (we typethe number of loops is a multiple of three and add two edge loops): knit four rows using the front surface. Fifth row: knit two front loops, two loops together front, make one yarn over. Finish with two front loops. Sixth and eighth rows: knit two purl, drop the yarn over of the previous row, make one yarn over again, knit three purl loops. Repeat this to the end of the row. Seventh row: knit three front loops, drop the yarn over of the previous row, make one yarn over again. Finish with two front loops. Ninth row: knit three front loops, drop the yarn over of the previous row, pass the knitting needle under the yarn overs of the fifth row, passing it through the subsequent yarn overs, knit them with one front loop. Create one front loop. Finish with two front loops. Eleventh row: repeat the pattern from the first row.
Knitting the "lattice" pattern:We create four rows using garter stitch. Fifth row: knit two front loops, make one yarn over, two front loops. Sixth row: knit two purl loops, drop the yarn over from the previous row, make one yarn over again, knit two purl loops. Repeat this way to the end of the row. Seventh row: knit two front loops, drop the yarn over from the previous row, make one yarn over again and two front loops. Eighth row: knit two purl loops, drop the yarn over from the previous row, make one yarn over again, knit one purl loop. Repeat this way to the end of the row. Ninth row: knit one front loop, pass the knitting needle under the yarn overs of the fifth row, passing it through the subsequent yarn overs, knit them with one front loop. Create two front loops. Create the tenth, eleventh and twelfth rows using garter stitch. Row thirteen: repeat the pattern from the first row.
Creating a "hole" pattern:In the first and fifth rows, knit all the front loops. In the second and sixth – all the back loops. Third row: knit two loops together as a front loop, make two yarns, two loops together using a draw through (remove one loop as a front loop, pass one front loop through the removed loop), knit four front loops. Finish with two front loops knitted together. Make two yarns, and again two loops together using a draw through. Fourth and eighth rows: knit all the back loops and two yarns of the previous row as one back loop and one twisted back loop. Seventh row: knit four front loops, two loops together as a front loop, make two yarns and two loops together (using a draw through). Finish with four front loops. Ninth row: repeat the pattern from the first row. We determine the knitting density: twenty-four loops in twenty-eight rows create a fabric with an area of ten by ten centimeters.
Knitting the back We collect one hundred fifty two loopsand knit six rows with the "2nd elastic band" and ten rows using the "1*1 elastic band". Then we move on to the large scallop pattern. Having created twenty-three centimeters of fabric, we move on to decreasing the loops (twenty-six loops in one row), and then we put aside all the loops that remain. Then you need to separately dial one hundred twenty-six loops and knit three rows using garter stitch, then we create the front surface of all one hundred twenty-six loops together with the 1st put aside loop of the previous piece. After that we knit five rows with the "1*1 elastic band", two rows we create the front surface, and four rows - garter stitch. In the end, it is necessary to close all the loops without tightening them. On the front side, after the first row of garter stitch, we cast on one hundred twenty-five loops, and then we knit with the “small scallops” pattern. We decrease the loops (1*25 loops) after forty-four centimeters from the lower edge of the back, and then we put aside all the remaining loops.
Then you need to cast on one hundred loops separately andknit three rows using garter stitch, then create all one hundred loops together with the 1st deferred loop of the previous piece using the front surface. Then knit five rows with a 1*1 elastic band, create two rows with the front surface, and four rows with garter stitch. At the end, it is necessary to close all the loops without pulling them together. On the front part, after the first row of garter stitch, we dial ninety-eight loops, and then knit with a pattern “with holes”. Fifty-six centimeters from the lower edge of the back, you need to create three rows of garter stitch, and then two rows of the front surface. After that, create eleven rows with a 1*1 elastic band, again two rows of the front surface, and then three rows of garter stitch. After this, knit with the "mesh" pattern, decreasing one loop in one row. To create the bevels of the armholes, you need to knit three loops with a double elastic band on both sides sixty-eight centimeters from the edge of the back and at the same time decrease on both sides after the first three and before the three final loops in all second rows three times two loops, four times one loop. After seventy-four centimeters, knit with the "with holes" pattern, making an increase in the first row once by one loop. At the same time, to create the fastener, knit as follows: Right side: three loops with the "2nd elastic band", thirty-four loops with the "with holes" pattern, one purl loop and three loops with the "2nd elastic band", putting aside the remaining thirty-seven loops. Five and ten centimeters after the fastener, having knitted the first three loops, you should make one hole for the buttons (two loops together, one yarn over). Having knitted eighty-five centimeters, close forty-one loops, of which twenty loops are intended for the shoulder. Left side: again make a set of four loops, use thirty-seven loops that were put aside, and knit symmetrically to the right side, but do not make holes for the buttons. Having knitted eighty-five centimeters, close forty-one loops, of which twenty loops are intended for the shoulder.
We knit the front part of the product. We knitsimilar to creating the back, but having knitted seventy-four centimeters from the bottom edge, we proceed to creating a pattern “with holes”, without dividing the work. And after seventy-six centimeters, we close the middle eighteen loops to provide a neckline. Both parts should be completed separately. In this case, it is necessary to close in all second rows once four loops, once three loops, once two loops and once one loop. Having knitted eighty-five centimeters, close forty-one loops, of which twenty loops are intended for the shoulder. We assemble the product We make seams along the shoulders. To create a bar, you need to dial one hundred and thirteen loops on the neckline and knit two rows with “1 * 1 elastic band” and four rows with “2 * 2 elastic band”. We close the loops with a knitted seam. Next, we connect the product on the sides. Using a needle, attach the four loops on the left side to the loops on the right side, and then sew on the buttons.
That's it! Your dress is ready! Wear it with pleasure!