We knit the minkey booties according to the scheme and photo with description

We knit the minkey booties according to the scheme and photo with description


Many mothers prepare knitted items for their babiesdowry: envelopes, hats, rompers, booties, even if they are beginner knitters. Especially, having looked at various photos or videos, in which the topotushki are one cuter than the other. These things carry the warmth of not only wool, but also mother's hands. Booties are worn the most: they are put on not only from the moment the child begins to stomp, but also on very small ones - so that the feet do not freeze.

And there is one nuance here that is important to remember.for beginners and inexperienced mothers: if the baby is not walking yet, booties can be knitted with a seam on the sole - it will not interfere. And from the moment he took his first steps, booties knitted with knitting needles are highly desirable to knit without a seam on the sole, because it can press on the delicate skin of the baby's foot and interfere with walking. In order to decide which model to knit, beginners should watch special videos or photos, master classes. After all, some types are universal for boys and girls, and some are not: they are knitted either for girls (for example, booties-sandals), or for boys (booties-sneakers).

We knit booties marshmallows for girls

Marshmallow booties - the model you see onphoto, due to its elegant appearance is more suitable for girls. Marshmallows are knitted with knitting needles. There are several ways. For beginners, as usual, we will choose a simpler option. But in order to understand the difference between a model without a seam on the sole, we will analyze the option with a seam. How to knit marshmallows with a seam is clearly demonstrated by the video master class.
Seamless booties are knitted very similarly, onlyThe upper part of them is knitted in the second stage. And the appearance of the cuff can vary, depending on the desire and skill of the novice craftswoman - it can be knitted with knitting needles (for example, with an elastic band) or crocheted (a beautiful openwork border). If you see marshmallows with cuffs knitted with garter stitch, as in this photo, most likely they have a seam on the sole, for newborns or crawlers.
If they have a different type of cuff, these are seamless booties for “running around” (compare the look in the photo).

As you can see from the master class in the previous video, knit marshmallows need to knit in several stages:

  • Dial loops;
  • Tie around 50 rows of garter stitch;
  • Close a few pet. For the formation of lapels;
  • On the remainder to connect the "accordion". Its scheme consists of alternating segments of plaiting and hosiery - 6 pieces each. (You can add a contrast color for one kind of knitting, but beginners do not have to do this, since this is an additional difficulty handling multiple threads);
  • Sew the open knitting loops to the opposite side of the work;
  • Sew a sole;
  • Pull the top of the accordion onto the thread;
  • Decorate the place of tightening.

We knit marshmallows without a seam

What is the difference without a suture model. Now, on this example, we will disassemble how to connect the novice masters
The fabric knitted with garter stitch, in thisIn this case, it does not include lapels, and the loops that close from the side are needed to form the front part of the foot. Accordingly, the remaining edges will go to the back, which is formed here when the fabric is folded during assembly. You will understand this more clearly further, following the description.

Examples of elastic bands that can be used in knitting booties
Different master classes indicate different thingsthe number of loops to cast on. And this is not only due to the thickness of the knitting needles and threads. After all, babies' feet differ significantly depending on age. Therefore, for beginners, it makes sense to consider a basic master class (using photos or videos), and then, using its example, vary the number of loops and rows, getting children's shoes of different sizes. Because measuring a tiny foot for some subsequent calculations is extremely inconvenient.

So, we take knitting needles (most often recommended are No. 2-2.5), and soft baby yarn that matches them.
Cast on 34 stitches., leaving a 25-30 cm thread end for subsequent sewing of the back part. Knit an odd number of rows with garter stitch: 29 (possibly 27 or 31 - depending on your knitting density). If you are not satisfied with the width or length in the trial model, vary the number of loops or rows. In the next even row, close 17 loops, knit the rest with front loops.
Next you need to knit 6 sections of garter stitch andstocking stitch, alternating them by 4 rows. Finish knitting with the seventh section of stocking stitch. Without closing the work, cut the thread, leaving a long end for subsequent sewing. Knitting should remain on the left side. Now bend our "accordion" to the opposite side and sew its open loops with a blanket stitch, without breaking the thread.
Next, we pull together the nearest part of the “accordion” (from the sole side) and secure the thread.

Hint for beginners: the thread is conveniently hooked.
We sew the back, also securing the thread.

Now tighten the remaining edge of the "accordion" - this will be the upper front part of the booties.

It turned out such a tiny baby bootee. Now we need to tie a shin-shank. Or the calf-lapel. Select the loops along the top edge if you knit, and draw the desired height with the selected pattern. At the same time, you can knit with knitting needles, then the front leg will not be bifurcated.

You can use the crochet and tie the lapels according to the scheme that you now on the shoulder and to taste.

Further finishing also depends entirely onyour imagination and skills. If you are still a beginner, you can decorate the place of the tie with a button, a pompom, a ready-made decor (a flower, a bead). Well, if you already have certain skills, you can crochet a flower or a berry. Or when knitting a lapel, provide holes in it and insert a ribbon or decorative cord into them.
The main thing is to match the decor of the marshmallows with their age.crumbs: if she already pulls everything into her mouth, then the pompoms and beads will end up there too. In this case, the decor should not hang and dangle. That is, the laces should be without tassels, beads and pompoms, and the tie decor should be sewn tightly and firmly. Then you will not only be happy to look at your smart baby - after all, he is warm and comfortable in the booties that you knitted for him with love. But wearing such shoes will also be safe. Of course, if the yarn is chosen appropriately: not prickly, not shedding and not too fuzzy.
As you can see, marshmallows can be knitted quite easily even for beginners, especially if the example is an interesting and simple master class. Have cozy evenings with your baby!

Photo MK knitting pinets of marshmallows

Video: Original model of zephirok pinets

