Knit cardigan men spoke under the scheme with a description (photos)

Knit cardigan men spoke under the scheme with a description (photos)


Everyone has long known that knitted items are storedthe warmth of the needlewoman's hands. This is why they are so highly valued. Many needlewomen, on the eve of the holidays, decide to undertake an almost “feat” - knitting a jumper for their men. In order for the work to be a joy, and the product not to migrate into the category of lanky people, you should follow some rules. In addition, diagrams with detailed descriptions make the work much easier.

Tips for beginners needlewomen

If the experience is still very small, do not just throw in the men's sweater with a complex pattern. It is best to try to play with color, choosing the simplest model for execution.
There is another amazing way to tietwo-color men's jumper knitted. The presented model looks unusual and unique. It seems as if the man who wears it has just stepped off the catwalk. In order for such a jumper to suit your taste, it is important to choose the right combination of colors. For young guys they can be bright and flashy; for older men it is better to stick to calmer shades. In both cases, the jumper will look chic.

At first glance, it seems that such a tiemen's cardigan is very difficult. In fact, when the ability to knit braid any needlewoman easily cope with the implementation of this male model. The main thing when choosing schemes in the center of the sleeve, the forehand and back to put a simple braid, where interlacing is always in the same direction. In this case one half of one color fabric is knitted, and the second - the other. As a result, during normal weaving obtained such an unusual effect as in the photo.

Also novice needle women can be advisedchoose a model with a flat sleeve. In this case, there is no need vyvyazyvayut armhole that brings a lot of trouble because of the large number of additions and subtraction. This men's cardigan looks very brutal.
Using detailed descriptions, do not immediatelystart working blindly following them. First, tie the sample and steam it thoroughly. This small piece of the pattern is used to check the tightness of the knitting. If it exactly matches the one given in the description, you can adhere to the number of loops and rows suggested in it. If the density differs significantly, all values ​​will have to be recalculated. Sometimes it can be difficult for beginner knitters to do this. In this case, you can try changing the knitting needles to thicker or thinner ones.

Video: Choose a pattern for knitting sweaters

Knitting men's sweaters with braids

For ease of implementation provides a descriptiontie a men's cardigan with a flat sleeve. In this case, it is not necessary to do ubavki for armholes and round sleeves that beginners needlewomen causes difficulties. In addition, sew a straight sleeve also much easier.
When knitting such a jumper, the following patterns are used:

  • gum 2x2;
  • Garter;
  • the basic pattern - odd rows facial hinge. In the even interleave 1 persons and 1 PHI;
  • Spit fit in with the scheme.

Density knitting basic pattern for: square 10x10 cm - 18 loops, 25 series. When knitting braids 1 rapport (24 loops) is 10 cm.
The description is given for sizes 48-50 (provided that the given knitting density and the one obtained by the needlewoman match). If there are differences, you will have to make the calculations yourself.

Knitting a men's jumper should start withbackrests To do this, cast on 105 stitches and knit in garter stitch. In the fourth row, add 8 stitches evenly. Now you should start knitting the main part with knitting needles. To do this, the canvas is divided into parts as follows:

  • bead;
  • 25 loops of the main pattern;
  • 1 rapport braids;
  • 13 n main pattern.;
  • 1 rapport braids;
  • 25 para. DOS. pattern;
  • bead.

For convenience, you can mark the border patternsspecial rings. When the length of the male jumpers reach 63 cm, it is necessary to perform the shoulder bevels. To do this, close the two sides on 13 loops, and a number - even at 14. The remaining loops without closing, to be postponed. They will be needed when the time comes to draw up the neck.
Knitting the front of a jumper begins in exactly the same way,like the backs. At a height of 59 cm, the armhole begins. To do this, the middle 19 loops are put on an additional knitting needle, then you should knit the two parts separately. At the same time, make decreases in every second row along the edges of the cutout:

  • 2 x 2 eyelets;
  • 4 x 1 loop.

At a height of 63 cm, make the shoulder bevels the samein a manner similar to the back. All that remains is to knit the sleeves for the men's jumper. To do this you need to cast on 50 stitches. After this, knit 4 cm with an elastic band. In the last row of elastic, add 4 loops. Next, we move on to making the pattern; to do this, using markers, we divide the canvas into parts:

  • bead;
  • 14 loops of the main pattern;
  • 24 n braids.;
  • 14 n. Est. pattern;
  • bead.

Through 59 cm from the beginning of knitting the loop closed. Second sleeve perform similarly to men's sweaters. Incidentally, for convenience, you can produce knitting two arms simultaneously by two coils.
When all the details of the men's jumper are ready,They should be washed carefully and dried without cracking on the floor. After they have completely dried, you can begin assembly. To do this, you first need to sew the shoulder and side seams.
Now you can tie the gate.To do this, use circular knitting needles to gather the postponed loops of the back and front neckline. Also, along the closed edges at the front you need to cast on 16 loops. Knit the resulting loops in a circle to a height of about 7 centimeters. All that remains is to sew and sew in the sleeves, and the jumper for men is ready.
Thus, with a strong desire, as well asWith every effort, anyone can please men with a beautiful jumper. Knitted items are sure to please everyone. An important step should be the choice of model. It should be approached with all responsibility, soberly assessing your skills.

Videos: Knit sweaters different models

Knit photo MK

