A knitted panda toy. Anna's work

A knitted panda toy. Anna's work

Panda's head: we start from the head. We knit with an amigurumi ring from 6 loops. It remains only to pull the edge of the thread and tighten the ring, and the latter. Assemble them in the first loop. Next we knit in a circle according to the following scheme: 1p: 6 sb 2 circle: 12 sb (2 sb each) 2p: 12 sb (2 per each) 3p: 18 sb (add sb through 1 pet) 4p: 24 sb add a cd after 2 pet) 5p: 32sbn (about 3 pet) 6p: 32sbn 7p: 40sb (about 3pc) 8-11: 40sd 12p: 32sb (reducing the number of bars, tying 2p together through 3) 13р: 32 сбн 14р: 24 сбн (decrease, every 2 bars) On 14 р it is necessary to fill a little head with filler. Next, we knit according to the scheme: 15p: 16 sb (after cutting through 1 pet) 16p: 12 sb (after 2 pes) 17p: 12 sb. We finish knitting and hide the thread inside the head. 1p: 5 sb 2p: 10 sb (2 sb in each loop) 3p: 15 sb (after 1 pt) 4p: 20 sb (for approx. 2 pet) 5p: 30 sb (in increments of 1 pet) 6p : 40 sb (approx. 2 pts) 7p: 45 sb (approx. 7 pt) 8p-12p: 45 cbn 13p: 40 cbms (we reduce the number of bars, tying two loops through 7 loops) Fill the trunk to keep the shape . 14р: ​​36 сбн (decrease by 8 pet) 15р: 32 сбн (decrease through 7 pet) 16р: 28 сбн (decrease through 6 pet) on the 16th row we change the white yarn to black 17p: 24 сбн (we decrease through 5 pet) 18р: 20 sb (decrease by 4 pet) 19p: 16 sb (we decrease through 3 pet) 20p: 12 cbn (we subtract through every 2 loops) 21p: 8 sb (we cut through 1 loop) Close the knitting and leave 20cm of thread to sew the torso to the head. Ears 2in.p 1p: 5 sb, knit crochet 2p: 5 Prib = 10 sb Thread cut off, fasten. Paws 2in.p. 1p: 6 sb to the second from the hook loop 2p: 6 приб = 12 3-4р: 12 сбн 5-8: 3 сбн, 5 псн, 4 СБ = 12 9р: knit for both edges 2 сбн, 1псн, 3 SSR = 6 Sew our paws to the body. The panda is ready. Author of work Wait, download ...

