Crochet a children's jacket. Detailed diagram with photo and description for beginners
The jacket is designed for a child 10-18 months.Age: 6-9 months.Materials: 160 g light green acrylic yarn, hook No. 2.5. Types of loops: air loop (c.p.). Single crochet (st. b/n): insert the hook into a loop of the chain or bottom row and pull out a new loop, grabbing the thread and knitting 2 loops on the hook in one step. Double crochet (st. s/n): make a yarn over the hook, insert it into a loop of the chain and pull out a new loop, knit 3 loops on the hook in pairs in 2 steps. Half double crochet (half double crochet): yarn over the hook, insert the hook into a loop of the chain and pull out a new loop, knit 3 loops on the hook in one step. Rachy step: knit like st. b/n, but from left to right. Fantasy pattern: according to the diagram. Knitting density: 10cm = 22 p. Description of work Back We knit the pattern according to the pattern: we cast on a chain of 65 sts. p. On both sides, at a height of 27 cm, with a thread of a contrasting color we mark and knit the armholes straight. We finish knitting at a total height of 40 cm. Right shelf From the 33rd century. p. We collect a chain and knit it with a pattern according to the diagram. From the side seam at a height of 27 cm, mark the armhole with a thread of a contrasting color and knit straight. We finish knitting at a total height of 40 cm. We knit the left shelf symmetrically to the right shelf.
Sleeves From the 41st century. P.We collect a chain and knit it according to the pattern, adding 1 loop on both sides in every fourth row 8 times. We finish knitting at a total height of 20 cm. Pockets From the 19th century. We put on a chain and knit it according to the pattern. We perform 2 rows of half stitches at a height of 7 cm. s/n, 1 row of columns “rachii step”. We finish knitting at a total height of 9 cm. Assembly We make seams and sew the sleeves into the armholes. For the right part of the hood, along the edge of the neckline of the right shelf and half of the back, we raise 25 loops and knit with a pattern according to the pattern, from the back side we add 1 loop in every second row 12 times. We finish knitting at a total height of 23 cm. We knit the left part of the hood symmetrically. We make the central seam of the hood and sew the pockets to the shelves (see photo). We tie the hood, shelves, bottom edge and sleeves with 2 rows of half stitches. s/m and 1 row with a “cross step” column. We make 4 cords of 25 cm each in this way: we collect a chain from c. p. 25 cm long and knit 1 row of st. b/n. We sew 2 cords on each shelf: the first pair at the beginning of the hood and the second pair 12 cm from the first. We moisten the finished product and let it dry.