Crochet socks for home. Detailed diagram with photo and description for beginners

Crochet socks for home. Detailed diagram with photo and description for beginners

You can knit for yourself and your loved ones not onlyknitting needles, but also crochet. Moreover, crocheting is easier and more interesting. For example, to knit socks, you can use any yarn. But remember that things made of natural threads are especially valuable, and you can easily choose an intricate pattern for them. Such socks will warm your feet well, despite their light and mesh appearance.crocheted charming socks. Photo №1Knitting socks with a crochet hook only at first glance,It seems difficult, but it is not so at all, on the contrary. Even the most inexperienced craftswoman will be able to cope with this task without difficulty. It is enough to find the necessary pattern diagram with a description of the knitting process. Every year, crocheting is becoming more popular among young fashionistas, caring mothers and loving grandmothers. And not in vain, because thanks to the hook and diligence, you can knit not only necessary household items, but also charming things. Moreover, for this you only need to find a little free time.crocheted charming socks. Photo # 2To create lace socks that willTo keep you warm on cool evenings, we will need: - red yarn (15% wool, 35% angora, 50% acrylic) in the amount of 100 grams; - crochet hook No. 4.crocheted charming socks. Picture №3You can, of course, choose a different color, butIt is better to keep the percentage ratio of wool, acrylic and angora, because the strength and quality of warmth will depend on it. So, let's start with the bottom.crocheted charming socks. Photo №4To do this, we dial 45 air loops, andwe connect them into a circle for circular knitting. We knit three rows with a double crochet, and then on 24 loops we knit the heel as follows: having knitted seven rows of double crochets, we knit three rows, only the middle eight loops. We make seams and continue knitting in a circle, knitting all the loops.crocheted charming socks. Photo №5Having knitted the sides of the heel, thirteen loops, we begindecrease one loop in each row. We decrease four times. Having knitted another 10 rows after decreasing, evenly decrease four more loops to form a toe, until there are ten left. Then pull the loops together with a thread, cut it and fasten. The lower part is ready.crocheted charming socks. Photo №6For the upper part, we separately collect a chain of28 loops and knit it with an original pattern, according to the given scheme. Knit the pattern once from the first to the fifth row, and then repeat all the loops from the second row. When the cuff is knitted for 25 centimeters, sew it to the finished lower part. The second sock is made in the same way.

