Knitting with knitting needles. Detailed diagram with photo and description for beginners
Now, as in ancient times, to choose a ponchouse such an important criterion as the quality of wool. Since yarn obtained from the wool of llama, guanaco or other animals differs from each other in softness and thickness.For the rough poncho models that were previously worncommoners took yarn from llama wool, and for ponchos for elders they used thin, soft yarn. Ponchos made by masters from Peru were in particular demand. The process of creating a poncho itself resembled the work of an artist.
Since the drawings were done in a corresponding color palette, they told everything about their owner.
Nowadays, numerous fairs are held.ponchos, on which you can find long-forgotten and new fashionable models of this funny type of clothing. Among the first to wear ponchos were hippies, who wore them not only for warmth, but also used them as a mat if necessary.
Since then, the poncho has changed both in quality andcoloring. Today, every needlewoman, creating a poncho model for herself, adds the necessary accessories. Many fashion lovers like knitted ponchos, as they can be used to hide figure flaws, while creating a mysterious appearance.
Moreover, the knitted poncho looks muchmore elegant than a sweater knitted with a voluminous pattern. For knitting a poncho, you can use different materials, such as silk, cotton, woolen threads, it all depends on the chosen model. After all, only at first glance does a knitted poncho look like a classic accessory that complements a certain image. If you figure it out, a poncho is a practical model of outerwear that will warm you and add femininity to your image.
Cast on with dark grey yarn on circular knitting needlesthree hundred and sixty loops. Having knitted the first row with the front surface, we proceed to knitting the pattern according to scheme 1. Having knitted twenty-two rows, we move on to knitting the pattern according to scheme 2 with gray thread.
After you have knitted one hundred twenty eightrows of the pattern according to diagram 2, turn the product inside out and knit twelve rows with a white thread using a two by two elastic band. The loops should be closed without tightening the edge. Crochet the bottom of the poncho using a crab step.
For unusual cuffs, cast on knitting needlesthirty loops of white yarn. Having knitted them twenty-four rows in a pattern, as on the collar, close the loops. The resulting cuffs are sewn with a knitting needle along the edge of the poncho on both sides at the same distance