Learning to read symbols when knitting

Learning to read symbols when knitting


Any novice needlewoman, for the first time takingIf you pick up a knitting pattern, you will see many symbols and symbols that are incomprehensible to you. In this article we will try to bring order to all these diagrams and tables. Conventional images of stitches help reduce the time spent reading the description of the pattern.

Abbreviations - how to understand them

In fact, things are much simpler than it may seem. Decoding of abbreviations is usually signed at the beginning of the text. If this is not the case, you can always use our instructions:

  • Ln - the front loop;
  • Ipt - back loop;
  • N - loop;
  • Nk - napid;
  • Kr - edgeband;
  • P is a series;
  • Spl - crossed LP;
  • Sip - crossed IP.

Legend in Figures

Schemas are a description of the design in the form of notation. It is easy to understand them, having a small cheat sheet.
Hinge loop When knitting PI, the thread is located in front, i.e. Before the canvas. The right needle is threaded into the loop from top to bottom and grasps the working thread.

Loop front We place the working thread behind the blade. We put the right knitting needle into the loop and grab the thread, which we hold with the index finger.

In a number of schemes, there are such symbols as crossed loops.
Crossed LP The direction of needle insertion is from right to left.

Crossed PI There is also a cross of threads, only on the wrong side.
Crossed loops are very often used at the junction of threads of different colors, or when transitioning from one pattern to another. This example allows you to significantly increase the knitting density.

Nakid Nakid designation is an empty circle. It is usually used in additions to increase the number of loops on the spokes, as well as to obtain a beautiful openwork pattern. The thread just throws itself on the needle.

A number of circuits contain double loops withSlopes. For this, 2n. Are tied together as a front or back. Depending on the wall behind which the loop is attached, the slope of the pattern will be one or the other. The notation is as follows.
2LP together: tilt to the right Working with a spoke we pick up at once 2p. Behind the front walls, we catch the thread. With the left needle, we drop 2n.

2LP together: the slope to the left Knitting begins with the rise of 1p., Its revolution and return to the left knitting needle. Then we use the working needle to pick up the back walls of Zn and tie it together.

Legend of series in the scheme

Some schemes are characterized by the indication of numbersSeries. This is done for the convenience of the wizard, so that the young needlewomen are not entangled. Numbers can stand on either side of the picture - one odd or even odd, or only on one side. Carrying out the pattern with knitting needles, cross out the rows on the chart that you have already passed. This calculation will help not to get lost in the figure.

The control sample and the number of loops in it

Each master before knitting on knittingMust calculate the number of loops to be typed. The calculation is made on a control sample. This is necessary in order to understand what your knitting density is. With the same number of loops, but if the density of knitting, the size of the product may vary significantly. So, take a description of the drawing that you will use for the product. Do not forget that the choice of knitting needles is also important, since the size of the pattern also depends on their size.

Using knitting needles, we make a sample measuring 10*10 cm. It must be washed or steamed and dried. Now we can tell you how to calculate the number of loops.
Using a ruler, measure the length of the resulting piece.The last 2-3 points can be discarded. We count how many stitches there are in this sample. The result must be written down. Divide the resulting figure by centimeters. We find, for example, that 1 cm of knitting contains 5 stitches.
We measure the width of the product, multiply it bynumber of loops - we get the initial number of loops for casting on. We do the same with the rows - they also need to be calculated first in 1 cm, then multiplied by the length of the product.
When describing calculations, you may encounterfollowing symbols: KO – control sample. Pl – density. You need to make the calculation carefully, because this will determine how correctly you knit the item and whether you guess the size.
In addition to knitting patterns, you can come across such a thing as a “Size Chart”.
The calculation is given for all sizes.At the top of the table you can find the symbols that were described above. The table must indicate the knitting density. Designations may change, but the principle remains the same: for each size of the product, the number of stitches, knitting needle numbers, width and length of the finished part of the product are indicated. By making a simple calculation, the craftswoman can understand which pattern to start with, which pattern to choose, and how many stitches to cast on.

Needles and what is their number

Knitting needles are numbered. There are conditional numbers adopted in different countries.

The calculation for Russia is simple:The number corresponds to the needle diameter in millimeters. Designations for other countries may vary. The table below shows the correspondence of Russian, American and English knitting needles.
If the number of knitting needles used is not in the diagramindicated, you can make your own calculation. Take the thread you will use to make the project and twist it. Its density should not be too strong. Take a ruler and measure the diameter of the flagellum. The resulting size is the number of knitting needles that need to be taken to work with this yarn.
If you want to reduce the knitting density, make the fabric slightly loose, just take larger needles than the resulting flagellum.
Designations may be different. Each needlewoman can come up with her own additional conventional images of loops. Some of them can be found less frequently than others.

Table of rarer notation

The table of rarer notations demonstrates that many conditional images in this table can be met rather seldom, but that they do not frighten you, we give them too.

Video: Learning to decipher conventions

