Learning how to draw a person's eyes correctly can be done very quickly, if you do it step by step

Learning how to draw a person's eyes correctly can be done very quickly, if you do it step by step

How to learn how to draw a person's eyes step by stepit will be interesting to know every novice artist, because it is not difficult, but requires a certain consistency and a special approach. This detail is one of the components of success in creating a portrait and is very important. Man - the creation of nature is absolutely unpredictable, but unique. To paint a portrait or a figure in full so that it turns out to be proportional and correct is extremely difficult, especially for a person who only makes the first steps in this beautiful art form. Of course, many, even beginning artists can boast of a talent in this field of activity, their natural instincts, which help them create. But, the bulk of people just want to be able to draw, to sometimes please themselves with an exciting activity. In order that later everyone can properly draw the features of a person, you need to carefully study them, pay attention to individual details, such as the eyes, nose, mouth. In today's lesson, we learn how to learn how to draw a person's eyes in stages. We will draw one eye. You can draw in parallel and the second, which will be placed side by side. To do this, you need to repeat the action. It is important to remember that both eyes should be mirrored relative to each other, only in this case they will make the portrait beautiful. Initially, we need to draw contours in the form of two straight perpendicular lines, as seen in the figure. How to learn to draw a person's eyes step by step. Photo №1 We add the following contour in the form of a rectangle, in which the horizontal lines are slightly longer than the vertical ones. How to learn to draw a person's eyes step by step. Photo # 2 At the next stage, we give the eye a shape,stretching the previous outline and drawing in the existing rectangle an oval, necessary for the image of the cornea. It's quite simple, only you need to make the right markup where exactly the corners of the eye will be. Do not forget, if you connect the angled lines at too great a distance, the eye will turn out to be very narrow. How to learn to draw a person's eyes step by step. Picture №3 So we got to the point where we neededgive the eye the right shape. This stage of drawing is very responsible and requires a little more attention and time. To make the eye look natural, we will change its shape. Output for the existing contour of the left corner, lowering it to the level where the bottom of the oval is located. The second corner we will make inside the contour lines of the eye as well as in the presented figure, and connect the corners together. All extra lines of simple geometric shapes need to be erased. How to learn to draw a person's eyes step by step. Photo №4 We proceed to draw the details of the eye. We make the pupil inside the cornea. It does not need to be made too large, since under optimal illumination and the state of a person, the pupils are not such. In the left corner draw a tear sack. Above the eye draw a parallel line (upper eyelid). How to learn to draw a person's eyes step by step. Photo №5 To give the eye a naturalness, we draweyelashes that should not be too long, since our goal is to depict the eyes of an ordinary person. The process of drawing eyelashes is quite complicated, since it is the eyelashes that can create an unexpected and, even, undesirable effect. Now go to the stage of darkening the eyelids, adding a stroke around the eyes and the cornea, as shown in the figure. How to learn to draw a person's eyes step by step. Photo №6 The last step is the addition of color to the iris of the eye and the process can be considered complete. How to learn to draw a person's eyes step by step. Photo №7 Having mastered the given process, at the image of the person at you there will be no problems with drawing beautiful eyes.

