Learn how to sew soft toys with your own hands and give them to friends or young children!
All people without exception love soft toys.Some people are just afraid to admit it. You can find a wide variety of toys on store shelves now. But a toy sewn with your own hands will undoubtedly be unique. Therefore, you should definitely try to sew a soft toy from start to finish yourself. You just need to take care of it in advance and select the necessary materials, as well as fittings for the product.How can you sew a soft toy yourself?First of all, patterns of the toys you like are selected and printed out or transferred to tracing paper. And before you start working, templates of the necessary patterns are made. It is best to make them on cardboard, then they turn out rigid and allow you to transfer the details to the fabric without distortion. The selected patterns (if they are not suitable in size and magnitude) can be enlarged or reduced.
Cutting plays an important role in sewing toysdetails. The fabric must be laid out with the wrong side up. Pay attention to the coincidence of the directions of the grain lines. Paired details are cut out symmetrically. The contours of the details are marked with a sharp pencil or chalk to more accurately transfer the dimensions to the fabric. And before cutting out, you need to check all the lines again. For cutting, it is better to use well-sharpened scissors, otherwise they can "chew" the material.
The next stage of work is stitching everything togethertoy parts with your own hands. The product is sewn on a sewing machine or manually exactly along the marking lines. In small toys, the seams are made on the outside, simultaneously decorating and embellishing it. Medium and large ones are sewn from the inside and then turned inside out. Sewing threads are selected according to the color of the fabric or the main pattern. When sewing by hand, you can use the following types of seams:
- "needle forward" – for basting before stitching;
- "over edge" - for sewing parts from the inside and is used for fur or fleecy material;
- loop stitch - for decoration, finishing or fastening;
- "back needle" - for sewing the inner contour.
When choosing seams on a sewing machine, the most common ones are the stitch or zigzag.A soft toy made with your own hands should bestuffed correctly. For this, synthetic padding, foam rubber, synthetic fluff and cotton wool are used. With cotton wool, of course, it is more difficult, since it clumps, and such a toy must be washed very carefully. The products are stuffed evenly, starting from the smallest and most remote parts, carefully stuffing the muzzle, paws and tail. An insufficiently stuffed toy looks inexpressive, and an excess of stuffing can tear the seams. Together with the stuffing, a skeleton frame is inserted into the toy, which is often made of wire; thereby giving the intended shape and supporting it in the future.
Already stuffed, you can sew a soft toy with your own handshands and start decorating it. To do this, the head is pulled, giving it the desired shape, a nose is made, the eye dots and mouth are outlined; the eyes can also be made from beads or buttons, and the mouth can be drawn with a felt-tip pen or made as an applique overlay. If desired, the toy can have movable paws or arms. Ribbon embroidery or painting on fabric can be useful in decorating.