To learn the technique of patchwork, the scheme of technology "Well" is one of the main, quite simple

To learn the technique of patchwork, the scheme of technology "Well" is one of the main, quite simple

Quilting, the scheme of the technique "Well", givesthe opportunity for each needlewoman to create something original, unique and very beautiful. Blankets and bedspreads, rugs and pillows, clothes and toys - all this you can easily sew from the various cloth shreds that are in every house. Quilting is a very fascinating activity. Perhaps, the best way to learn needlework has not yet been invented. Recently, patchwork, also called patchwork, is becoming more popular. Many people, this kind of activity is associated only with grandmother rugs, no more. But, designers, including other creative people, found a way out. Namely, how to invent new, interesting, unusual, creative things from what is already at home. That is, having spent on it a minimum of time, effort and money. Such things can easily decorate any room in your home. They will give it a special charm and create a cozy, warm atmosphere. And all the homemakers and guests will never remain indifferent. Patchwork sewing, circuit technology All the advantages are simply impossible to re-read. Not only does it develop fine motor skills of fingers, thinking, fantasy, but, and as it was said before, spending on this requires a minimum of funds, which is quite important. Probably, each of us has at home unnecessary, overstocked things that have long been unable to cope with their original function. It is only to open the cupboard. For example, stretched sweaters, unfashionable jeans, things that are already small on your child. They tend to go for rags or, just simply, are thrown away. But, why do you need to throw these things away, if even from them you can create something completely new, that in the future will be able to please your eye more than one year. Mastering this technique should not cause you any difficulty. If there is a desire, then everything will necessarily happen. After all, desire is the most important thing. But in order for your work to turn out beautiful and unusual, you must already have some skills. Well, if you add a little imagination and variety to them, your work will become not just irresistible, but also unique. Now is the time to learn the technique of "Well." This technique, in itself, is very interesting. She's old enough, she's more than two centuries old. Then it was very popular throughout Europe, namely, in America. The basis of the technique is a square. It, in turn, consists of different strips. These strips are called "logs" in idle time. Patchwork sewing, circuit technology Patchwork sewing, circuit technology In fact, there are several optionsconnection "logs". But, we will introduce one of the most frequently used ones. The basis of this version of the assembly is a square. First you need to take two opposite sides of the square and attach to them one "log". After that, we take the other two opposite sides and, this time, we are using the "logs", which in their size, could block the previous ones. We can assume that the first tier is already ready for us. Building and adding tiers is repeated in the same sequence as before. The size can be absolutely anything. Patchwork sewing, circuit technology The same bands, as a rule, are sewn withthe central sides of the square. They must be parallel to each other. The color solution can be absolutely anything, it all depends on you and your desire. Also, I draw your attention that the square can be, as in the center, and above, below, side, etc. The main principle remains the assembly principle. In any case, it should not change. Patchwork sewing, circuit technology

